Daily 20 MCQs | Curriculum Development MCQ's: 14/07/2018

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1.       A hypothesis is:
a.       Abnormally low motor activity
b.      Statements, propositions of assumptions that serve as tentative explanations of certain facts
c.       A general term for impaired memory ability
d.      Diminished smell sensitivity
2.       Prediction refers to which of the following
a.       Reasoning whereby two objects are assumed to be similar
b.      A statement about what will be observed before it actually occurs
c.       Anything that precedes another thing
d.      A measure of success of a test, for test, rule, principal or theory.
3.       SPSS is an acronym of the following:
a.       Statistical predictions for social sciences
b.      Sexual preferences for the sixties and seventies
c.       Statistical package for the social sciences
d.      Sexual performance and SAD syndrome
4.       Continual professional development CPD of teachers demonstrates that a teaching:
a.       Relies on information from informal sources.
b.      Regularly updates their knowledge of recent developments in teaching tecnhniques
c.       Relies solely on research literature as a way of up sating their teaching skills
d.      Attends all educational conferences
5.       Which of the following is an example of an intellectual disability?
a.       Dyslexia
b.      ADHD
c.       Mental Retardation
d.      Autistic spectrum disorders
6.       Reading Disorder is a development disorder and is characterised by reading achievement (e.g. accuracy, speed and comprehension) being significantly below standards expected for which of the following
a.       Chronological age
b.      IQ
c.       Schooling experience
d.      All of these
7.       In learning disabilities, that name for mathematical disorder is:
a.       Dyspraxia
b.      Dyslexia
c.       Dyscalculia
d.      Dysphasia
8.       Which of the following criteria can be used to define intellectual disabilities?
a.       Significantly below average intellectual functioning
b.      Impairments in adaptive functioning generally
c.       These deficits should be manifest before the age of 18-years
d.      All of these
9.       In DSM-IV-TR intellectual disabilities are divided into a number of degrees of serverity, depending primarily on the range of IQ score provided by the sufferer. One of those is Mild Mental Retardation, corresponding to an IQ score between:
a.       60-65 to 80
b.      40-55 to 60
c.       50-55 to 70
d.      70-75 to 90
10.   Individuals with Down Syndrome often have moderate to severe intellectual Impairement with a measureable IQ usually between:
a.       45-50
b.      55-60
c.       35-55
d.      25-35
11.   Which of the following is an example of a peri-natal cause of intellectual disability when there is a significant period without oxygen occuring during or immediately after delivery?
a.       Anoxia
b.      Pronoxia
c.       Anaphylatda
d.      Dysnoxia
12.   Special education began with
a.       Jean-Marc Gaspard hard in Paris
b.      Congress approval of PL 94-142
c.       Mara Montessori in Italy
d.      Congress approval of Section 504 of the Rehabililation Act
13.   Which of the following is the correct way to talk about individuals with disabilities?
a.       People with disabilities
b.      Handicapped people
c.       The disabled
d.      The crippled
14.   Which special education category has the highest incidence?
a.       Emotional disturbance
b.      Mental Retardation
c.       Specific Learning Disabilities
d.      Autism
15.   Normalization is the process of
a.       Making the everyday living conditions of persons with disabilities as similar as possible to the everyday living conditions of persons without disabilities
b.      Placing a child in an inclusive setting for their educational services
c.       Providing supports to compensate for disabilities
d.      Redesigning building to create barrier free architecture
16.   The Least Restrictive Environment LRE guarantees that
a.       An education is delivered at no cost to parents
b.      Individuals who receive special educatioon services will become productive members of society
c.       Children with disabilities are educated with typical learners to the greatest degree possible
d.      An appropriate education is given
17.   Which of the following professions is not considered to be one of the related service professions that provide additional support services to students with disabilities?
a.       Physical therapist
b.      Assistive technology specialist
c.       Speech & language therapist
d.      School librarian
18.   Sometimes students need modifications to succeed in general education classess. Which of the following is considered a modification?
a.       Alternative assignments
b.      Word processors
c.       Enlargers print
d.      Audio versions of books
19.   Which of the following is not a purpose of educational assessment
a.       Determining eligibility for special services
b.      Monitoring student progress
c.       Establishing the cause of the disabiling condition
d.      Guidinng instruction
20.   What iss the name for the special education service that is not provided in an inclusive setting?
a.       Consulting teacher
b.      CO-teaching
c.       Pullout programming
d.      Pull-in programming

Solved Above Questions
21.   A hypothesis is:
a.       Abnormally low motor activity
b.      Statements, propositions of assumptions that serve as tentative explanations of certain facts
c.       A general term for impaired memory ability
d.      Diminished smell sensitivity
22.   Prediction refers to which of the following
a.       Reasoning whereby two objects are assumed to be similar
b.      A statement about what will be observed before it actually occurs
c.       Anything that precedes another thing
d.      A measure of success of a test, for test, rule, principal or theory.
23.   SPSS is an acronym of the following:
a.       Statistical predictions for social sciences
b.      Sexual preferences for the sixties and seventies
c.       Statistical package for the social sciences
d.      Sexual performance and SAD syndrome
24.   Continual professional development CPD of teachers demonstrates that a teaching:
a.       Relies on information from informal sources.
b.      Regularly updates their knowledge of recent developments in teaching tecnhniques
c.       Relies solely on research literature as a way of up sating their teaching skills
d.      Attends all educational conferences
25.   Which of the following is an example of an intellectual disability?
a.       Dyslexia
b.      ADHD
c.       Mental Retardation
d.      Autistic spectrum disorders
26.   Reading Disorder is a development disorder and is characterised by reading achievement (e.g. accuracy, speed and comprehension) being significantly below standards expected for which of the following
a.       Chronological age
b.      IQ
c.       Schooling experience
d.      All of these
27.   In learning disabilities, that name for mathematical disorder is:
a.       Dyspraxia
b.      Dyslexia
c.       Dyscalculia
d.      Dysphasia
28.   Which of the following criteria can be used to define intellectual disabilities?
a.       Significantly below average intellectual functioning
b.      Impairments in adaptive functioning generally
c.       These deficits should be manifest before the age of 18-years
d.      All of these
29.   In DSM-IV-TR intellectual disabilities are divided into a number of degrees of serverity, depending primarily on the range of IQ score provided by the sufferer. One of those is Mild Mental Retardation, corresponding to an IQ score between:
a.       60-65 to 80
b.      40-55 to 60
c.       50-55 to 70
d.      70-75 to 90
30.   Individuals with Down Syndrome often have moderate to severe intellectual Impairement with a measureable IQ usually between:
a.       45-50
b.      55-60
c.       35-55
d.      25-35
31.   Which of the following is an example of a peri-natal cause of intellectual disability when there is a significant period without oxygen occuring during or immediately after delivery?
a.       Anoxia
b.      Pronoxia
c.       Anaphylatda
d.      Dysnoxia
32.   Special education began with
a.       Jean-Marc Gaspard hard in Paris
b.      Congress approval of PL 94-142
c.       Mara Montessori in Italy
d.      Congress approval of Section 504 of the Rehabililation Act
33.   Which of the following is the correct way to talk about individuals with disabilities?
a.       People with disabilities
b.      Handicapped people
c.       The disabled
d.      The crippled
34.   Which special education category has the highest incidence?
a.       Emotional disturbance
b.      Mental Retardation
c.       Specific Learning Disabilities
d.      Autism
35.   Normalization is the process of
a.       Making the everyday living conditions of persons with disabilities as similar as possible to the everyday living conditions of persons without disabilities
b.      Placing a child in an inclusive setting for their educational services
c.       Providing supports to compensate for disabilities
d.      Redesigning building to create barrier free architecture
36.   The Least Restrictive Environment LRE guarantees that
a.       An education is delivered at no cost to parents
b.      Individuals who receive special educatioon services will become productive members of society
c.       Children with disabilities are educated with typical learners to the greatest degree possible
d.      An appropriate education is given
37.   Which of the following professions is not considered to be one of the related service professions that provide additional support services to students with disabilities?
a.       Physical therapist
b.      Assistive technology specialist
c.       Speech & language therapist
d.      School librarian
38.   Sometimes students need modifications to succeed in general education classess. Which of the following is considered a modification?
a.       Alternative assignments
b.      Word processors
c.       Enlargers print
d.      Audio versions of books
39.   Which of the following is not a purpose of educational assessment
a.       Determining eligibility for special services
b.      Monitoring student progress
c.       Establishing the cause of the disabiling condition
d.      Guidinng instruction
40.   What iss the name for the special education service that is not provided in an inclusive setting?
a.       Consulting teacher
b.      CO-teaching
c.       Pullout programming

d.      Pull-in programming

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