HM TEST PREPARATION: Curriculum Development Solved 160 MCQs

1.       What is Curriculum?
a.       Overall activities of an institution
b.      Objectivity
c.       Classroom
d.      Affective
2.       Important factor of curriculum is to help to achieve the?
a.       Objectivity
b.      Classroom
c.       Affective
d.      Students
3.       Responsible for the Curriculum planning and development in Pakistan is ?
a.       Objectivity
b.      Curriculum Wing
c.       Affective
d.      Students
4.       Which of the following is the nature of Curriculum?
a.       Conservative
b.      Critical
c.       Creative
d.      All of these
5.       Curriculum provides guidance for?
a.       Student
b.      School
c.       Parents
d.      Teacher
6.       Which domain of objectives is not being evaluated through our present system of examination?
a.       Objectivity
b.      Classroom
c.       Affective
d.      Students
7.       Syllabus is a part of?
a.       Student
b.      School
c.       Parents
d.      Curriculum
8.       Benefits A.V Aids are that they?
a.       Create interest
b.      Reduce verbatization
c.       Stimulate self activity
d.      All of above
9.       Curriculum presents instructional material is stated by:
a.       Smith
b.      Wheller
c.       Jack Kerr
d.      None
10.   Relationship of subjects at different level is called?
a.       Centralization
b.      De-centralization
c.       Horizontal organization
d.      Vertical organization
11.   An outline of the topics of a subject to the covered in specific time is called?
a.       Curriculum
b.      Course
c.       Syllabus
d.      None
12.   Curriculum organization used for different concepts at the same class is?
a.       Vertical
b.      Horizontal
c.       Logical
d.      None
13.   The category of Audio Visual Aids is?
a.       Radio
b.      Television
c.       Tape recorder
d.      All of these
14.   Major concern of curriculum is:
a.       Personal satisfaction
b.      Change in Individual’s behaviour
c.       Preparation for service
d.      None
15.   The importance of curriculum in the system of education is just like a?
a.       Constitution in a country
b.      Provision of latest knowledge
c.       Preparation of students for service
d.      None
16.   Curriculum is supposed to ?
a.       Achieve the objectives
b.      Be organized by the school
c.       Both
d.      None
17.   Curriculum reflects the culture of?
a.       Society
b.      Home
c.       School
d.      Area
18.   Learning means?
a.       Change in behaviour
b.      Teaching process
c.       Curriculum
d.      None
19.   The outline of the contents is?
a.       Course
b.      Syllabus
c.       Programme
d.      All above
20.   Component of Curriculum is?
a.       Evaluation
b.      Objectives
c.       Teaching Strategies
d.      All
21.   Models of curriculum presently being used at any stage in Pakistan is?
a.       Activity
b.      Subject
c.       Integrated
d.      All of above
22.   The selection of the particular design is influenced by?
a.       Types
b.      Elements
c.       Foundations
d.      Principle
23.   Education policy that gave equal weight to general science and technical education was:
a.       1972
b.      1978
c.       1992
d.      1998
24.   The scope of curriculum includes
a.       Programme of studies
b.      Programme of Activities
c.       Programme of Guidance
d.      All
25.   The concise oxford Dictionary defines curriculum as a?
a.       Course of Learning
b.      Chariot race course
c.       Course of study
d.      None
26.   The model of curriculum could not move above elementary stage is?
a.       Core Curriculum
b.      Activity Curriculum
c.       Subject curriculum
d.      None
27.   Detail contents of the subjects for a class are called?
a.       Course
b.      Behavior
c.       Design
d.      Logical sequence
28.   A curriculum is the sum total of a school efforts to influence a child?
a.       Course
b.      Behavior
c.       Design
d.      Logical sequence
29.   Percentage of knowledge gained through observation is ?
a.       75%
b.      50%
c.       34%
d.      None
30.   The base on which the subject activities and experience are planned is called?
a.       Course
b.      Behavior
c.       Design
d.      Logical sequence
31.   Keeping in view the types of students in a class are generally grouped as?
a.       Average
b.      Below average
c.       Above average
d.      All
32.   Logical order of content organization is to arrange the content according to?
a.       Course
b.      Behavior
c.       Design
d.      Logical sequence
33.   Summative evaluation takes place?
a.       In the beginning
b.      At the end
c.       In the middle
d.      None
34.   Without suitable curriculum, aims of education
a.       Can be achieved
b.      Cannot be achieved
c.       Can be changed
d.      None
35.   How many basic components of curriculum have?
a.       2
b.      4
c.       6
d.      8
36.   Curriculum development refers to the total process of curriculum?
a.       Designing
b.      Implementing
c.       Evaluating
d.      All
37.   Which one is not the component of the curriculum?
a.       Design
b.      Evaluation
c.       Curriculum Design
d.      Abilities
38.   Effectiveness of curriculum is determined by?
a.       Design
b.      Evaluation
c.       Curriculum design
d.      Abilities
39.   The arrangement of the elements of curriculum can be defined as?
a.       Design
b.      Evaluation
c.       Curriculum design
d.      Abilities
40.   The term “core curriculum” is sometimes simply called?
a.       Core
b.      Code
c.       Cope
d.      None

41.   The method used to evaluate the curriculum is?
a.       Formative Evaluation
b.      Summative Evaluation
c.       Diagnostic Evaluation
d.      All Above
42.   On way of finding out, what is going on in a class room is?
a.       Observation
b.      Education Psychology
c.       Foundation psychology
d.      Is the purpose of life?
43.   When, what, why and How, to teach is the main task of?
a.       Observation
b.      Education psychology
c.       Foundation of Curriculum
d.      Is the purpose of life?
44.   The force that effect the development of curriculum are called?
a.       Observation
b.      Education psychology
c.       Foundation of curriculum
d.      Is the purpose of life?
45.   Philosophy and curriculum  are concerned with the question of what?
a.       Observation
b.      Education psychology
c.       Foundation of curriculum
d.      Is the purpose of life?
46.   Philosophy foundation of curriclum is concerned with?
a.       Ideas
b.      Psychological foundation
c.       Society
d.      Content
47.   Student needs and interests are important in
a.       Ideas
b.      Psychological foundation
c.       Society
d.      Content
48.   Sociological foundations are concerned with?
a.       Ideas
b.      Psychological foundation
c.       Society
d.      Content
49.   Subject centered designs revolve around?
a.       Ideas
b.      Psychological foundation
c.       Society
d.      Content
50.   Nature of elements of curriculum and pattern of their organization is?
a.       Curriculum design
b.      Foundation of curriculum
c.       Curriculum evaluation
d.      Elements of Curriculum
51.   A frame work of action for preparing a curriculum is?
a.       Curriculum design
b.      Foundation of curriculum
c.       Curriculum evaluation
d.      Elements of Curriculum
52.   Knowledge is compartmentalized in?
a.       Subject centered curriculum
b.      Learner centered curriculum
c.       Activity centered curriculum
d.      None
53.   Prior planning is characteristic of?
a.       Subject centered curriculum
b.      Learner centered curriculum
c.       Activity centered curriculum
d.      None
54.   Explanatory methods are used in?
a.       Subject centered curriculum
b.      Learner centered curriculum
c.       Activity centered curriculum
d.      None
55.   Broad field curriculum is a modification of?
a.       Subject centered curriculum
b.      Learner centered curriculum
c.       Activity centered curriculum
d.      None
56.   Rote learning is a demerit of?
a.       Subject centered curriculum
b.      Learner centered curriculum
c.       Activity centered curriculum
d.      None
57.   Teacher training is less emphasized in?
a.       Subject centered curriculum
b.      Learner centered curriculum
c.       Activity centered curriculum
d.      None
58.   Curriculum based on thinking of John Dewey is?
a.       Subject centered curriculum
b.      Learner centered curriculum
c.       Activity centered curriculum
d.      None
59.   Prior planning is not possible in?
a.       Activity centered curriculum
b.      Integrated curriculum
c.       Decrease in number of books
d.      Horizontal organization
60.   Curriculum emphasized for primary classes is?
a.       Activity centered curriculum
b.      Integrated curriculum
c.       Decrease in number of books
d.      Horizontal organization
61.   The purpose of integrated curriculum is?
a.       Activity centered curriculum
b.      Integrated curriculum
c.       Decrease in number of books
d.      Horizontal organization
62.   The relationship of different concepts at one level is?                   
a.       Activity centered curriculum
b.      Integrated curriculum
c.       Decrease in number of books
d.      Horizontal organization
63.   Which is not concerned with teacher training?
a.       BISE
b.      University of Education
c.       IER
d.      DSD
64.   Examination are conducted by?
a.       BISE
b.      University of Education
c.       IER
d.      DSD
65.   University of Education was established in?
a.       2002
b.      2000
c.       1998
d.      1992
66.   AIOU was established in?
a.       2002
b.      1998
c.       1992
d.      1974
67.   The system of distance education is observed in?
a.       BISE
b.      University of Education
c.       AIOU
d.      None
68.   The major function of Punjab text Book Board
a.       Printing books
b.      Examination
c.       Evaluation
d.      None
69.   Making value judgement about curriculum is?
a.       Curriculum evaluation
b.      Objectives
c.       I.Q
d.      Educational Institution
70.   The most important component of lesson plan is?
a.       Curriculum evaluation
b.      Objectives
c.       I.Q
d.      Educational Institution
71.   To select subject matter, one should consider student?
a.       Curriculum evaluation
b.      Objectives
c.       I.Q
d.      Educational Institution
72.   The implementer for curriculum is?
a.       Curriculum evaluation
b.      Objectives
c.       I.Q
d.      Educational Institution
73.   The source of achieving on objectives is?
a.       Curriculum evaluation
b.      Objectives
c.       I.Q
d.      Educational Institution
74.   The method used to evaluate the curriculum is?
a.       Formative Evaluation
b.      Summative Evaluation
c.       Diagnostic Evaluation
d.      All Above
75.   Curriculum is:
a.       Course
b.      Syllabus
c.       Co-curricular activities
d.      Overall activities of an institution
76.   Important factor of curriculum is to help to achieve the:
a.       Objectives
b.      Job
c.       Education
d.      Values
77.   Responsible for the curriculum planning and development in Pakistan is:
a.       Curriculum wing
b.      Text book boards
c.       Secondary board
d.      All of these
78.   Mini Culture is:
a.       Home
b.      Content
c.       Curriculum
d.      Classroom
79.   Which domain of objectives is not being evaluated through examination:
a.       Cognitive
b.      Affective
c.       Psychomotor
d.      None of these
80.   Which of the following is the nature of curriculum:
a.       Conservative
b.      Critical
c.       Creative
d.      All of above

81.   Curriculum provides guidance for:
a.       School
b.      Parents
c.       Teacher
d.      Students
82.   Psychological foundation play its role in the development of curriculum keeping in view the:
a.       Student’s interest
b.      Student’s needs
c.       Student’s capabilities
d.      All of these
83.   Syllabus is a part of:
a.       Society
b.      Classroom
c.       Curriculum
d.      Activities
84.   Benefits of A.V Aids are that they:
a.       Create interest
b.      Reduce Verbalization
c.       Stimulate self activity
d.      All of the above
85.   Curriculum presents instructional material is stated by:
a.       Wheller
b.      Jack kerr
c.       Smith
d.      Elizhath Maccis
86.   S Relationship of subjects at different level is called:
a.       Centralization
b.      De-centralization
c.       Horizontal Organization
d.      Vertical Organization
87.   An outline of the topics of a subject to the covered in specific time is called:
a.       Curriculum
b.      Course
c.       Progamme
d.      Syllabus
88.   Curriculum organization used for different concepts at the same class is:
a.       Vertical
b.      Horizontal
c.       Logical
d.      None of the above
89.   The category of Audio Visual Aids is:
a.       Radio
b.      Television
c.       Tape-recorder
d.      All of these
90.   Major concern of curriculum is:
a.       Personal satisfaction
b.      Change in individuals, behaviour
c.       Preparation for service
d.      None of the above
91.   The importance of curriculum in the system of education is just like a:
a.       Constitution in a country
b.      Provision of latest knowledge
c.       Preparation of students for service
d.      None of the above
92.   Curriculum is supposed to:
a.       Achieve the objectives
b.      Be organized by the school
c.       Both a & b
d.      None of a & b
93.   Curriculum reflects the culture of
a.       Society
b.      Home
c.       School
d.      Area
94.   Curriculum is interpreted to mean all the organized courses, activities and experiences which students have under the directions of the school, whether in the classroom or not, is said by:
a.       Stephen Romine
b.      Hilda Taba
c.       John Dewey
d.      H. Rugg
95.   Learning means
a.       Change in behaviour
b.      Teaching process
c.       Curriculum change
d.      None of the these
96.   The outline of the content is:
a.       Course
b.      Syllabus
c.       Programme
d.      All above
97.   Component of curriculum is:
a.       Evaluation
b.      Objectives
c.       Teaching strategies
d.      All of the above
98.   The selection of the particular design is influenced by:
a.       Types
b.      Elements
c.       Foundations
d.      Principle
99.   Models of curriculum presently being used at any stage in Pakistan is:
a.       Activity
b.      Subject
c.       Integrated
d.      All of above
100.                        The committee responsible to finalize the curriculum up to secondary level in Pakistan is:
a.       National Curriculum Committee
b.      Teachers Curriculum Committee
c.       Text Curriculum Committee
d.      None of these
101.                        Intelligence level of gifted students is
a.       140 and above
b.      110 and above
c.       90 and above
d.      None of these
102.                        The mirror of the society is:
a.       Hospital
b.      Office
c.       Teachers curriculum committee
d.      None of these
103.                        Types of individual differences are:
a.       Physical
b.      Mental
c.       Emotional
d.      All of these
104.                        A curriculum is blue print or plan of the school that includes experiences for the:
a.       Teacher
b.      Learner
c.       Curriculum planner
d.      Experts
105.                        If two or more methods are mixed up for teaching, the teaching method will be known as:
a.       Combined method
b.      Eclectic method
c.       Mixed method
d.      None of these
106.                        The scope of curriculum include:
a.       Programme of studies
b.      Programme of activities
c.       Programme of guidance
d.      All of the above
107.                        The concise oxford dictionary defines curriculum as a:
a.       Course of learning
b.      Chariot race course
c.       Course of study
d.      Couse of education
108.                        The model of curriculum could not movve above elementary stage is:
a.       Core curriculum
b.      Activity curriculum
c.       Subject curriculum
d.      None of these
109.                        Detailed contents of the subjects for a class is called:
a.       Course
b.      Syllabus
c.       Programme
d.      All above
110.                        A curriculum is the sum total of a school’s efforts to influence a child’s:
a.       Personality
b.      Attitude
c.       Behaviour
d.      Action
111.                        Percentage of knowledge gained through observation/ vision is:
a.       75%
b.      50%
c.       60%
d.      40%
112.                        The base on which the subject activities and experience are planned is called:
a.       Lesson
b.      Unit
c.       Curriculum
d.      Design
113.                        Keeping in view the types of students in a class are generally grouped as:
a.       Average
b.      Below average
c.       Above average
d.      All of these
114.                        Logical order of content organization is to arrange the content according to:
a.       Spiral sequence
b.      Logical sequence
c.       Economical needs
d.      Social needs
115.                        Summative evalution takes place:
a.       In the beginning
b.      In the middle
c.       At the end
d.      After regular interval
116.                        In planning and implementing curricula school makes its selection from:
a.       Culture
b.      Nation
c.       Region
d.      Mass communication
117.                        Discipline problems are most likely to occur during:
a.       Lecture and seatwork
b.      Questioning
c.       Transitions
d.      Wait time
118.                        According to Bloom’s taxonomy, “application level” questions require students to:
a.       Recall or recognize information
b.      Arrange and organize information mentally.
c.       Use a rule, classification system, directions or the like in solving a problem
d.      Use creative thinking in solving problems for which there is no single right answer.
119.                        Those unplanned but highly meaningful learning experiences that occur as by products of school participation are called the
a.       Academic curriculum
b.      Extra curriculum
c.       Hidden curriculum
d.      Humanistic curriculum
120.                        Television viewing is linked to
a.       Decreased IQ scores in young people
b.      Increased aggressive behavior
c.       Increased tolerance of diversity
d.      Decreased aggressive behavior
121.                        A hypothesis is:
a.       Abnormally low motor activity
b.      Statements, propositions of assumptions that serve as tentative explanations of certain facts
c.       A general term for impaired memory ability
d.      Diminished smell sensitivity
122.                        Prediction refers to which of the following
a.       Reasoning whereby two objects are assumed to be similar
b.      A statement about what will be observed before it actually occurs
c.       Anything that precedes another thing
d.      A measure of success of a test, for test, rule, principal or theory.
123.                        SPSS is an acronym of the following:
a.       Statistical predictions for social sciences
b.      Sexual preferences for the sixties and seventies
c.       Statistical package for the social sciences
d.      Sexual performance and SAD syndrome
124.                        Continual professional development CPD of teachers demonstrates that a teaching:
a.       Relies on information from informal sources.
b.      Regularly updates their knowledge of recent developments in teaching tecnhniques
c.       Relies solely on research literature as a way of up sating their teaching skills
d.      Attends all educational conferences
125.                        Which of the following is an example of an intellectual disability?
a.       Dyslexia
b.      ADHD
c.       Mental Retardation
d.      Autistic spectrum disorders
126.                        Reading Disorder is a development disorder and is characterised by reading achievement (e.g. accuracy, speed and comprehension) being significantly below standards expected for which of the following
a.       Chronological age
b.      IQ
c.       Schooling experience
d.      All of these
127.                        In learning disabilities, that name for mathematical disorder is:
a.       Dyspraxia
b.      Dyslexia
c.       Dyscalculia
d.      Dysphasia
128.                        Which of the following criteria can be used to define intellectual disabilities?
a.       Significantly below average intellectual functioning
b.      Impairments in adaptive functioning generally
c.       These deficits should be manifest before the age of 18-years
d.      All of these
129.                        In DSM-IV-TR intellectual disabilities are divided into a number of degrees of serverity, depending primarily on the range of IQ score provided by the sufferer. One of those is Mild Mental Retardation, corresponding to an IQ score between:
a.       60-65 to 80
b.      40-55 to 60
c.       50-55 to 70
d.      70-75 to 90
130.                        Individuals with Down Syndrome often have moderate to severe intellectual Impairement with a measureable IQ usually between:
a.       45-50
b.      55-60
c.       35-55
d.      25-35
131.                        Which of the following is an example of a peri-natal cause of intellectual disability when there is a significant period without oxygen occuring during or immediately after delivery?
a.       Anoxia
b.      Pronoxia
c.       Anaphylatda
d.      Dysnoxia
132.                        Special education began with
a.       Jean-Marc Gaspard hard in Paris
b.      Congress approval of PL 94-142
c.       Mara Montessori in Italy
d.      Congress approval of Section 504 of the Rehabililation Act
133.                        Which of the following is the correct way to talk about individuals with disabilities?
a.       People with disabilities
b.      Handicapped people
c.       The disabled
d.      The crippled
134.                        Which special education category has the highest incidence?
a.       Emotional disturbance
b.      Mental Retardation
c.       Specific Learning Disabilities
d.      Autism
135.                        Normalization is the process of
a.       Making the everyday living conditions of persons with disabilities as similar as possible to the everyday living conditions of persons without disabilities
b.      Placing a child in an inclusive setting for their educational services
c.       Providing supports to compensate for disabilities
d.      Redesigning building to create barrier free architecture
136.                        The Least Restrictive Environment LRE guarantees that
a.       An education is delivered at no cost to parents
b.      Individuals who receive special educatioon services will become productive members of society
c.       Children with disabilities are educated with typical learners to the greatest degree possible
d.      An appropriate education is given
137.                        Which of the following professions is not considered to be one of the related service professions that provide additional support services to students with disabilities?
a.       Physical therapist
b.      Assistive technology specialist
c.       Speech & language therapist
d.      School librarian
138.                        Sometimes students need modifications to succeed in general education classess. Which of the following is considered a modification?
a.       Alternative assignments
b.      Word processors
c.       Enlargers print
d.      Audio versions of books
139.                        Which of the following is not a purpose of educational assessment
a.       Determining eligibility for special services
b.      Monitoring student progress
c.       Establishing the cause of the disabiling condition
d.      Guidinng instruction
140.                        What iss the name for the special education service that is not provided in an inclusive setting?
a.       Consulting teacher
b.      CO-teaching
c.       Pullout programming
d.      Pull-in programming

141.                        The IEP must be reviewed at least __________ by the IEP team and the parents
a.       Quarterly
b.      Biannually
c.       Every two years
d.      Annually
142.                        An Individualized Family Service Plan is a written plan that identities and organizes services and resources for
a.       Children with special needs who are from birth through age 4 and their families.
b.      Children with special needs who are from birth through age 5 and their families
c.       Children with special needs who are preschool age and their families
d.      Children with special needs who are from birth through age 2  and their families.
143.                        Speech impairments can occur in all of the following areas except:
a.       Semantics problem
b.      Articulation problems
c.       Voice problems
d.      Fluency problems
144.                        The process of making judgement is called
a.       Budgeting
b.      Evaluation
c.       Demonstration
d.      Documentation
145.                        The level of school administration can best be judged through
a.       Head teacher
b.      Beautiful building
c.       Learning out comes
d.      Teachers students relations
146.                        Acquaintance roll is used for
a.       Salary disbursement
b.      Stock
c.       Govt. Grants
d.      Expenditures
147.                        The degree to which organizational resources contribute to productivity is:
a.       Effectiveness
b.      Efficiency
c.       Output
d.      Production
148.                        All transaction should be entered in which register
a.       Fee
b.      Cash
c.       Funds
d.      With drawl
149.                        Coordinating, stimulating and directing the growth of teacher is the purpose of
a.       Administration
b.      Inspection
c.       Supervision
d.      Management
150.                        Metacognition is the
a.       Awareness and monitoring of one’s attitudes and attention while learning
b.      Application of analytic tools to society at large
c.       Umbrella term for such skills as comparing, observing, and summarizing.
d.      Curricular pendulum  when it swings toward a “back to basics” approach.
151.                        Which type of curriculum emphasizes direct instruction?
a.       Psychosical curriculum
b.      Behavioural curriculum
c.       Cognitive curriculum
d.      Constructivist curriculum
152.                        Education imparted in a series of lessions or class meetings is called:
a.       Text
b.      Syllabus
c.       Course
d.      Curriculum
153.                        All experiences of the children for whom school assumes responsibility is
a.       Curricular activities
b.      Co-curricular activities
c.       School program
d.      Curriculum
154.                        Which type of curriculum is derived from the work of Piaget?
a.       Development Curriculum
b.      Behavioural Curriculum
c.       Psychosocial curriculum
d.      Cognitive curriculum
155.                        The guidelines for Developmentally Appropriate Practice DAP emphasize
a.       Structural teaching
b.      Academic instruction
c.       Task Analysis
d.      Age and individual appropriateness
156.                        Which curriculum is emphasized in Erikson’s theories?
a.       Direct instruction curriculum
b.      Psychosocial curriculum
c.       Cognitive curriculum
d.      Behavioural curriculum
157.                        The Transactional intervention Program emphasizes
a.       Autism
b.      Sensory Impairments
c.       Quality caregiver-children interactions
d.      Physical disabilities
158.                        What is the emphasis of the  High Scope Model?
a.       Learning through structural teaching
b.      Learning through academic instruction
c.       Learning through vocational exercises
d.      Learning through exploration and discovery
159.                        Curriculum is a fixed programme of courses is ____________ of curriculum
a.       Old concept
b.      Contemporary concept
c.       Logical concet
d.      A & B

160.                        A type of curriculum presented by experts is called:
a.       Entitlement Curriculum
b.      Intended Curriculum
c.       Recommeded Curriculum
d.      Supported Curriculum

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