Daily 10 question HeadMaster/ HeadMistress Test Preparation - 05/06/2018

First Solve yourself and then find solved below:-


1.       The procedure of collecting people’s opinion about content selection is known as:
a.       Judgmental
b.      Analytical
c.       Experimental
d.      Consensual
2.       An evaluation which is carried out at regular intervals is known as:
a.       Summative
b.      Placement
c.       Formative
d.      Diagnostic
3.       The basic function of educational measurement is to find out students:
a.       Achievements
b.      Habits
c.       Interests
d.      Attitudes
4.       The best measure to avoid guessing in a structured response test is to use:
a.       True-False Items
b.      Completion Items
c.       Matching Items
d.      Multiple choice items
5.       The following are the objectives of teacher made test except:
a.       Motivating the students
b.      Predicting future success
c.       Evaluating the accomplishment
d.      Diagnosing student’s difficulties
6.       Knowing learning difficulties is possible through:
a.       Placement evaluation
b.      Summative evaluation
c.       Diagnostic evaluation
d.      Formative evaluation
7.       The commission on National Education 1959 was headed by:
a.       Noor Khan
b.      Fazl ur Rehman
c.       Muhammad Ali Hoti
d.      S.M. Sharif
8.       It attempts to determine what an individual believes, preceives or feels is called:
a.       Intelligent test
b.      Attitude test
c.       General knowledge test
d.      Subject test
9.       When every number of the accessible population has an equal chance of being selected to participate in a study, the researcher is using:
a.       Simple random sampling
b.      Stratified random sampling
c.       Convenience sampling
d.      Purposive sampling
10.   When were private school nationalized?
a.       1962
b.      1972
c.       1982
d.      1992


1.       The procedure of collecting people’s opinion about content selection is known as:
a.       Judgmental
b.      Analytical
c.       Experimental
d.      Consensual
2.       An evaluation which is carried out at regular intervals is known as:
a.       Summative
b.      Placement
c.       Formative
d.      Diagnostic
3.       The basic function of educational measurement is to find out students:
a.       Achievements
b.      Habits
c.       Interests
d.      Attitudes
4.       The best measure to avoid guessing in a structured response test is to use:
a.       True-False Items
b.      Completion Items
c.       Matching Items
d.      Multiple choice items
5.       The following are the objectives of teacher made test except:
a.       Motivating the students
b.      Predicting future success
c.       Evaluating the accomplishment
d.      Diagnosing student’s difficulties
6.       Knowing learning difficulties is possible through:
a.       Placement evaluation
b.      Summative evaluation
c.       Diagnostic evaluation
d.      Formative evaluation
7.       The commission on National Education 1959 was headed by:
a.       Noor Khan
b.      Fazl ur Rehman
c.       Muhammad Ali Hoti
d.      S.M. Sharif
8.       It attempts to determine what an individual believes, preceives or feels is called:
a.       Intelligent test
b.      Attitude test
c.       General knowledge test
d.      Subject test
9.       When every number of the accessible population has an equal chance of being selected to participate in a study, the researcher is using:
a.       Simple random sampling
b.      Stratified random sampling
c.       Convenience sampling
d.      Purposive sampling
10.   When were private school nationalized?
a.       1962
b.      1972
c.       1982
d.      1992

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