Daily 10 question HeadMaster/ HeadMistress Test Preparation - 06/06/2018

First Solve yourself and then find solved below:-


1.       The top level management of higher secondary school at district level is:
a.       Dy. Deo
b.      DEO
c.       EDO
d.      DPI
2.       Traditionally Supervision is characteristized by:
a.       Inspection
b.      Guidance
c.       Controlling
d.      Mentoring
3.       Students achievement at the end of session is known through:
a.       Summative evaluation
b.      Formative evaluation
c.       Diagnostic evaluation
d.      Placement evaluation
4.       Test is:
a.       Measuring instrument tool
b.      A problem solver device
c.       Content developing tool
d.      Knowledge sharing tool
5.       Inclusive education means education of special children in institution of:
a.       Special education
b.      General educaiton
c.       Non-formal educaiton
d.      Vocational education
6.       Private schools were nationalized by:
a.       General ayub khan
b.      General yahya khan
c.       Zulfiqar ali bhutto
d.      Pervez musharraf
7.       Sir syed ahmed khan was related to the following institution:
a.       Nadwatul ulema
b.      Deoband
c.       Aligarh
d.      Jammia millia
8.       Administrator’s role of academic guidance and assistance is:
a.       Administrative role
b.      Supervisory role
c.       Management role
d.      Evaluation role
9.       School is considered as school plant because it grows like:
a.       Human being
b.      Tree
c.       Building
d.      Businees shop
10.   Perennialism is a traditional philosophy of education and it is derived from
a.       Idealism
b.      Pragmatism
c.       Realism
d.      deconstruction


1.       The top level management of higher secondary school at district level is:
a.       Dy. Deo
b.      DEO
c.       EDO
d.      DPI
2.       Traditionally Supervision is characteristized by:
a.       Inspection
b.      Guidance
c.       Controlling
d.      Mentoring
3.       Students achievement at the end of session is known through:
a.       Summative evaluation
b.      Formative evaluation
c.       Diagnostic evaluation
d.      Placement evaluation
4.       Test is:
a.       Measuring instrument tool
b.      A problem solver device
c.       Content developing tool
d.      Knowledge sharing tool
5.       Inclusive education means education of special children in institution of:
a.       Special education
b.      General educaton
c.       Non-formal educaiton
d.      Vocational education
6.       Private schools were nationalized by:
a.       General ayub khan
b.      General yahya khan
c.       Zulfiqar ali bhutto
d.      Pervez musharraf
7.       Sir syed ahmed khan was related to the following institution:
a.       Nadwatul ulema
b.      Deoband
c.       Aligarh
d.      Jammia millia
8.       Administrator’s role of academic guidance and assistance is:
a.       Administrative role
b.      Supervisory role
c.       Management role
d.      Evaluation role
9.       School is considered as school plant because it grows like:
a.       Human being
b.      Tree
c.       Building
d.      Businees shop
10.   Perennialism is a traditional philosophy of education and it is derived from
a.       Idealism
b.      Pragmatism
c.       Realism
d.      deconstruction

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