Daily 10 question HeadMaster/ HeadMistress Test Preparation - 04/06/2018

First Solve yourself and then find solved below:-


1.       Which one education policy of Pakistan was prepared by Air Marshal Noor Khan:
a.       1972-80
b.      1969-70
c.       1979
d.      2009
2.       Maintaining school discipline is the main responsibility of:
a.       School teacher
b.      D.E.O
c.       Headmaster
d.      Parents-Teacher Association
3.       Dewey liked best the Wowing definition of education:
a.       Education as a product
b.      Recapitulation
c.       Acquisition of knowledge
d.      Reconstruction of experience
4.       Type of leader who through his personal vision vigor and energy inspires the followers and has a major impact on his institution/ organization is called:
a.       Legitimate leader
b.      Charismatic leader
c.       Assumed leader
d.      Assigned leader
5.       In curriculum development the first priority goes to:
a.       Content
b.      Method
c.       Objectives
d.      Evaluation
6.       Tyler model is used for:
a.       Curriculum development
b.      Evaluation
c.       School improvement
d.      Teacher training
7.       It encourages and provides opportunity for students to be involved in physical, social and exploration skills:
a.       Activity curriculum
b.      Core curriculum
c.       Subject curriculum
d.      Hidden curriculum
8.       Teacher’s role is to faciliate by utilizing the interests and unique needs of learners through:
a.       Teacher centered curriculum
b.      Core curriculum
c.       Learner centered curriculum
d.      Integrated curriculum
9.       A process of reducing the role central government in planning and providing education at local or district level referred to:
a.       Decentralization
b.      Centralization
c.       Decision making
d.      Budgeting
10.   A characteristic of activity based instruction is:
a.       Teacher always direct activities
b.      Teaching occurs in isolated therapy rooms
c.       Learning occurs in routine, planned or child initiated activities
d.      Learning through demonstration by teacher


1.       Which one education policy of Pakistan was prepared by Air Marshal Noor Khan:
a.       1972-80
b.      1969-70
c.       1979
d.      2009
2.       Maintaining school discipline is the main responsibility of:
a.       School teacher
b.      D.E.O
c.       Headmaster
d.      Parents-Teacher Association
3.       Dewey liked best the Wowing definition of education:
a.       Education as a product
b.      Recapitulation
c.       Acquisition of knowledge
d.      Reconstruction of experience
4.       Type of leader who through his personal vision vigor and energy inspires the followers and has a major impact on his institution/ organization is called:
a.       Legitimate leader
b.      Charismatic leader
c.       Assumed leader
d.      Assigned leader
5.       In curriculum development the first priority goes to:
a.       Content
b.      Method
c.       Objectives
d.      Evaluation
6.       Tyler model is used for:
a.       Curriculum development
b.      Evaluation
c.       School improvement
d.      Teacher training
7.       It encourages and provides opportunity for students to be involved in physical, social and exploration skills:
a.       Activity curriculum
b.      Core curriculum
c.       Subject curriculum
d.      Hidden curriculum
8.       Teacher’s role is to faciliate by utilizing the interests and unique needs of learners through:
a.       Teacher centered curriculum
b.      Core curriculum
c.       Learner centered curriculum
d.      Integrated curriculum
9.       A process of reducing the role central government in planning and providing education at local or district level referred to:
a.       Decentralization
b.      Centralization
c.       Decision making
d.      Budgeting
10.   A characteristic of activity based instruction is:
a.       Teacher always direct activities
b.      Teaching occurs in isolated therapy rooms
c.       Learning occurs in routine, planned or child initiated activities
d.      Learning through demonstration by teacher

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