Daily 10 MCQs | Basis of Information Technology | 21/06/2018

First Solve Yourself and Then find Solved below:


1.       Which of the following is general type of input device?
a.       Scanner
b.      Printer
c.       Monitor
d.      Speaker
2.       The term that refers to all input, output and secondary storage devices is:
a.       Peripheral
b.      Central
c.       Attached
d.      Network
3.       Which is a correct association between hardware  device and component type?
a.       Mouse-processing
b.      Keyboard-input
c.       Hard disk-output
d.      CPU-Storage
4.       Which is a correct association between hardware device and action?
a.       Scanner – processing
b.      Keyboard – connectivity
c.       CD- ROM – ouput
d.      CPU – data manipulation
5.       Which is a correct association between hardware device and component type?
a.       Memory – processing
b.      Mangnetic tape –input
c.       Monitor – output
d.      Stylus –storage
6.       The most familiar input device for computers is:
a.       Scanner
b.      Keyboard
c.       Graphics Tablet
d.      Monitor
7.       The keyboard format that is most commonly used is the:
a.       QWERTY
b.      DVORAK
c.       TWRITTER
d.      SPLITTER
8.       Which of the following technologies is used in flat-panel display screens?
a.       LCD
b.      EL
c.       Gas-plasma
d.      All
9.       The advantage of an LCD monitor is that it is:
a.       Lighter
b.      Faster
c.       More compact
d.      Both a and c
10.   Monitor capabilities are described in terms of all of the following EXCEPT:
a.       Color
b.      Speed
c.       Resolution

d.      Size


1.       Which of the following is general type of input device?
a.       Scanner
b.      Printer
c.       Monitor
d.      Speaker
2.       The term that refers to all input, output and secondary storage devices is:
a.       Peripheral
b.      Central
c.       Attached
d.      Network
3.       Which is a correct association between hardware  device and component type?
a.       Mouse-processing
b.      Keyboard-input
c.       Hard disk-output
d.      CPU-Storage
4.       Which is a correct association between hardware device and action?
a.       Scanner – processing
b.      Keyboard – connectivity
c.       CD- ROM – ouput
d.      CPU – data manipulation
5.       Which is a correct association between hardware device and component type?
a.       Memory – processing
b.      Mangnetic tape –input
c.       Monitor – output
d.      Stylus –storage
6.       The most familiar input device for computers is:
a.       Scanner
b.      Keyboard
c.       Graphics Tablet
d.      Monitor
7.       The keyboard format that is most commonly used is the:
a.       QWERTY
b.      DVORAK
c.       TWRITTER
d.      SPLITTER
8.       Which of the following technologies is used in flat-panel display screens?
a.       LCD
b.      EL
c.       Gas-plasma
d.      All
9.       The advantage of an LCD monitor is that it is:
a.       Lighter
b.      Faster
c.       More compact
d.      Both a and c
10.   Monitor capabilities are described in terms of all of the following EXCEPT:
a.       Color
b.      Speed
c.       Resolution
d.      Size