Daily 10 question HeadMaster/ HeadMistress Test Preparation - 22/06/2018

First Solve yourself and then find solved below:-


1.       Team teaching is a:
a.       Teaching method
b.      Teaching strategy
c.       Teaching technique
d.      Evaluation technique
2.       In motivation process, the reward those are awared by others as consequences of an action is:
a.       Extrinsic reward
b.      Intrinsic reward
c.       Motivation
d.      None of them
3.       A relatively brief statement summarizing the purpose of the school is known as:
a.       Student outcomes statement
b.      Mission statement
c.       Objective statement
d.      School design statement
4.       Process of learning through which people learn with each other at anytime and anywhere is called:
a.       Formal education
b.      Non formal education
c.       Distance education
d.      Informal education
5.       National curriculum is actually:
a.       Intended curriculum
b.      Taught curriculum
c.       Learned curriculum
d.      Experimental curriculum
6.       Which type of class room is characterized by a free for all?
a.       Learner centered
b.      Subject centered
c.       Teacher centered
d.      Activity based
7.       The purpose of helping teachers to improve instruction is naemed as:
a.       Supervision
b.      Administration
c.       Evaluation
d.      Appraisal
8.       Which one is not the element of management?
a.       Planning
b.      Counseling
c.       Correlation
d.      Co-ordination
9.       In ‘POSDCORB’ CO stands for:
a.       Co-operation
b.      Collection
c.       Correlation
d.      Co-ordination
10.   The content to be taught by the teacher to the pupils was derived from:
a.       Topics
b.      Educational experiences
c.       Syllabus

d.      Curriculum


1.       Team teaching is a:
a.       Teaching method
b.      Teaching strategy
c.       Teaching technique
d.      Evaluation technique
2.       In motivation process, the reward those are awared by others as consequences of an action is:
a.       Extrinsic reward
b.      Intrinsic reward
c.       Motivation
d.      None of them
3.       A relatively brief statement summarizing the purpose of the school is known as:
a.       Student outcomes statement
b.      Mission statement
c.       Objective statement
d.      School design statement
4.       Process of learning through which people learn with each other at anytime and anywhere is called:
a.       Formal education
b.      Non formal education
c.       Distance education
d.      Informal education
5.       National curriculum is actually:
a.       Intended curriculum
b.      Taught curriculum
c.       Learned curriculum
d.      Experimental curriculum
6.       Which type of class room is characterized by a free for all?
a.       Learner centered
b.      Subject centered
c.       Teacher centered
d.      Activity based
7.       The purpose of helping teachers to improve instruction is naemed as:
a.       Supervision
b.      Administration
c.       Evaluation
d.      Appraisal
8.       Which one is not the element of management?
a.       Planning
b.      Counseling
c.       Correlation
d.      Co-ordination
9.       In ‘POSDCORB’ CO stands for:
a.       Co-operation
b.      Collection
c.       Correlation
d.      Co-ordination
10.   The content to be taught by the teacher to the pupils was derived from:
a.       Topics
b.      Educational experiences
c.       Syllabus

d.      Curriculum