Daily 10 question HeadMaster/ HeadMistress Test Preparation - 21/06/2018

First Solve yourself and then find solved below:-

1.       To reflect the real situation in an arificial manner in teaching is called:
a.       Simulation
b.      Dramatization
c.       Micro teaching
d.      Discussion
2.       National Education Association (NEA) belongs to:
a.       United States of America
b.      Japan
c.       United Kingdom
d.      Australia
3.       First Education Conference in Pakistan was held in:
a.       1947
b.      1958
c.       1971
d.      2009
4.       The total sum of educational experiences provided by the school to its students to bring desired change in their knowledge, attidtudes and skills to the children is called:
a.       Scheme of studies
b.      Syllabus
c.       Field of interest
d.      Curriculum
5.       Curriculum at elementary level is:
a.       Teacher centered
b.      Learner centered
c.       Subject centered
d.      Field centered
6.       Many teachers do not have enough time to make supplementary material, so they just follow:
a.       Guide book
b.      Teacher manual
c.       Text book
d.      Supplementary text book
7.       When, what why and how to teach is the main task of:
a.       Educational philosophy
b.      Educational psychology
c.       Financial resources
d.      Sociological scene
8.       The purpose of psychology is the study of human:
a.       Culture
b.      Knowledge
c.       Behavior
d.      Value
9.       It is hard fact that modern society’s moral and ethical values are:
a.       Fast moving
b.      Deteriorating
c.       Provoking humanity
d.      Moral fabric
10.   Charles Wood Dispatch was declared in:
a.       1835
b.      1854
c.       1857

d.      1876


1.       To reflect the real situation in an artificial manner in teaching is called:
a.       Simulation
b.      Dramatization
c.       Micro teaching
d.      Discussion
2.       National Education Association (NEA) belongs to:
a.       United States of America
b.      Japan
c.       United Kingdom
d.      Australia
3.       First Education Conference in Pakistan was held in:
a.       1947
b.      1958
c.       1971
d.      2009
4.       The total sum of educational experiences provided by the school to its students to bring desired change in their knowledge, attidtudes and skills to the children is called:
a.       Scheme of studies
b.      Syllabus
c.       Field of interest
d.      Curriculum
5.       Curriculum at elementary level is:
a.       Teacher centered
b.      Learner centered
c.       Subject centered
d.      Field centered
6.       Many teachers do not have enough time to make supplementary material, so they just follow:
a.       Guide book
b.      Teacher manual
c.       Text book
d.      Supplementary text book
7.       When, what why and how to teach is the main task of:
a.       Educational philosophy
b.      Educational psychology
c.       Financial resources
d.      Sociological scene
8.       The purpose of psychology is the study of human:
a.       Culture
b.      Knowledge
c.       Behavior
d.      Value
9.       It is hard fact that modern society’s moral and ethical values are:
a.       Fast moving
b.      Deteriorating
c.       Provoking humanity
d.      Moral fabric
10.   Charles Wood Dispatch was declared in:
a.       1835
b.      1854
c.       1857

d.      1876