Applied and Basic Research in Computer Science

The terms basic research and applied research are widely used. However, their exact meaning is obscured by the many perspectives that can be taken in approaching research. Part of the difficulty has to do with stereotypes some people have of the two kind of research. To many people basic research is clean, complex and respectable but not useful. On the other hand, Applied research connotes a real world setting and is this perceived as being difficult to control inaccurate, useful; but not respectable.

A more accurate way of determining whether a research study is basic or applied is to examine not the setting but the purpose of the investigation.

The major purpose of basic research is to develop a foundation of dependable and widely accepted knowledge upon which theory and explanation can be built.

The major purpose of applied research is to answer practical and useful questions. The questions may deal with policies, programs, projects, procedures, organisation or other tangible or pragmatic entitles, processes or events.

Balanced research establishment that includes both basic and applied activities seems most desirable. Graduate programs play an important rule in guaranteeing this balance by providing training in both kinds of research. Federal and private research funding sources also play an important role. when these funding agencies over emphasis applied research, basic science interests, tend to fade in the professional research community. Unfortunately, there is constant pressure on the funding agencies to emphasis applied problems because the general public, politicians and government bureaucrats understand these problems and feel closer to them than to questions that concern basic researchers.

In Computer Science, the research which deals with the basic development of theory or observations as a general principle, that's research falls into the category of basic research. While on the other hand, Applied research is fall into the category of practical happening as usually we can say that computer involvement in practical life such as for end user or operator. The most interesting thing is that sometime questioning through applied research leads to rise the need of basic research. For example, End user demand change in the interface and hence, questioning such as what type of change either in data structure or database or interface leads to the rise of need to think about how this change is possible.

Development Research in Computer Science

Research that focus on changes that can be observed over time is usually referred to as developmental research. Developmental studies may be designed for various purpose. For example, one purpose of developmental study is to seek origins of behavior: another is to seek interrelationships among factors affecting growth. In addition, sequences and patterns of influences upon growth may be studies.

In Computer  Science, development research focus on the change in the software and hardware requirement with the passage of time with the different functional requirement in interface, database, networking, user need and requirements. For example, a company make software for insurance company. Initially, the situation is restricted and limited within a small town, but with the passage of time, more population is growth and as a result, need of large database rises. Now, the situation is changed. Hence, how much large database is required and when?

Hence, the purpose of research is to attempt to connect the cause and effect relationships between different variables and predict to some new results on the basis of analysis and observations.

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