Each researcher has to write a research proposal before he or research synopsis are interchangeably used. The format of these may be the same but there is a little bit difference among them. Usually when a researcher wants  to obtain some financial assistance for a research Project from any research organisation he writes proposal. And when the purpose of the researcher is to get approval to carry out research on particular topic from any educational institution he writes research plan or research synopsis.
A research  proposal typically include an introduction, a method section, a description of proposed data analysis and a time schedule. The format for a typiical research proposal is as follows:
i)                    Introduction
a.       Statement of the problem
b.      Review of related literature
c.       Statement of the hypothesis
ii)                  Method
a.       Subjects
b.      Instruments
c.       Design
d.      Procedure
iii)                Data analyst
iv)                Time schedule
v)                  Budget (if appropriate)

The introduction which you develop will be the first part of the research proposal. In the introduction, the researcher has to give background information of the problem and also states the significance to the problem. As you  will read this part, ‘introduction’, in research report, the difference is the Tense. The proposal is always written in future tense while the research report in past but sometimes present tense is used when required. Except the background and significance of the problem, the introduction includes a statement of the problem, a review of related literature and a statement of the hypothesis.
Statement of the Problem
This is often a declarative statement but may be in question form. This attempt to focus on a stated goal gives direction to the research process, it must be limited enough in scope to make a definite conclusion possible. Problem can be derived from theory, prior research result, or personal observation and experience. These are based upon a significant concern and an insufficiant knowledge base regarding what to do about the concern. The problem statements suggest hypothesis and provide a focus for research activity.
Review of Related Literature
A summary oof the writings of recognised authorities and of previous research evidence that the researcher is familiar with what is already known and what is still unknown and untested. Since effective research is based upon past knowledge. This step helps to eliminate the duplication of what has been done and provides useful hypothesis and helpful suggestions for investigation. The related literature provides valuable guide to defining tile problem, recognising its significance, suggesting promising data-gathering devices, appropriate study design and sources of data.
Statement of the Hypothesis
The formation of hypothesis clarifies the nature of the problem and the topic underlying the investigation and gives direction of the data gathering process. The research hypothesis is a tentative answer to a question. It is an educated guess or hunch, generally based upon prior research and/ or theory, to be subjected to the process of verification or dis-conformation. The hypothesis should be reasonable and stated in the simplest possible terms. It is improper to formulate hypothesis after collection of the data.
This part of the research proposal usually consists, of description of subjects measuring instrument, design, and procedure.
The description of subjects should clearly define the copulation, the large group from which the sample will be selected. The description should indicate the size and major characteristics of the population. For example, a description of subjects might include the following.
Subjects, will be selected from a population of 2000 of science students of rural high school in sialkot. The population is tri-cultural, being, comprised primarily of Muslim studnets, Christian students and Hindu students on the basis of fee collection software.
It is important to provide a rationale for the selection of the instrument to be used as well as description of the instrument. You have to describe how the instrument will be developed, what it will measure and how you plan to evaluate its validity and reliability before its utilization in the acutal study.
The description of the design indicates the basic structure of study.  The nature of the hypothesis, the variable involved and the constraints of the real world.
The procedure section outlines the research plan. It descibes all the steps that be followed in conducting the study from beginning to end as in the order in which they will occur. Now the design selected for testing the hypothesis will be operationalised. The procedure section typically begins with a description of the technique to be used in selecting the sample for the study.
Data Analysis
Data analysis is important part of the research. When the research plans his research he should fully aware about the techniques of data analysis.
Time Schedule
A realistic, time schedule beginning researcher working on thesis or dissertation and for experienced researcher working under the deadlines of a research grant or contract. In this section, the researcher should describe how much time is required for the completion of this study.
Formal research plans are referred to as proposals; they almost always require the inclusion of a tentative budget. Budgets typically include such items any personnel, clerical assistance, expenses, equipement and overhead.

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