What is Action Research?
Action research is a catchall label applied to research done by it expert to resolve problem in the local community setting.
Action research can actually be any of the type of applied, basic, evolution, development, historical, descriptive, correlational, casual comparative, experimental.
Action research is regularly conducted by it expert though usually in an informal way.

Process of Action Research
            It may be stated that usually the purpose of research is to discover new information that can be generalized to other settings and usually, the research process includes indicating the purpose of the investigation (the problem), stating research questions or hypotheses, designing procedures for obtaining appropriate data analyzing the data, presenting the findings and stating conclusions.

            If one wishes to conduct action research, the procedural outline is followed:
1.                  Identify a problem or need
2.                  Collect information and resources
3.                  Prepare the project
a.       Formulate objectives
b.      Select activities
c.       Assemble and prepare materials
d.      Plan procedures
4.                  Introduce and implement the project.
5.                  Monitor procedures and reactions
6.                  Identify strengths and shortcomings of the project.
7.                  Correct errors, difficulties and omissions.
8.                  Appraise the project’s ongoing and long-term results.

The following illustrations will help us to clarify the process of action research:

The Problem
            The statement of the problem in action research, takes a form such as the following:-
            The purpose of this research was to develop and design a suitable algorithm for optimization of database output query.
            The problem statement alone may provide adequate orientation in action research. Hypotheses are sometimes used, but a series of questions is usually more helpful, such as:
·        Which is suitable algorithm for optimization of database search query?
·        Why database show error in when large numbers of queries demanded?

Desired Outcomes
            The outcomes one hopes to achieve through action research are usually reflected in the problem statement and questions. Occasionally, desired outcomes are listed in the form of objectives.

Information and Resources
            Whereas other types research are often designed to obtain and analyse original data help answer questions or test hypotheses., existing resources are used in action research to put together a process or product that will resolve the problem at hand. For example, most of the resources used in developing a suitable algorithm can be answered by consulting the literature and the resources the algorithm might require probably already exist as well. The creative aspect of action research lies in the organization, implementation, refinement and evaluation of the new product of the process.

Sequence of Research Activities
            In action research, as in other types of research, it is helpful to layout an anticipated ‘sequence’ of activities be undertaken in the course of the project. A calendar should be used to design, dates for completing each activity and a budget should be prepared, if appropriate.

Refining the Product or Process
            As the project develops, it is important to begin preliminary field testing in the research setting. In this phase one tries out the project on a limited scale with real participants, who might be parents, colleagues, or students in classes. The purpose is to identity what works well and what does not and to gauge participants reactions so that needed modifications can be made before the project is implemented on a wide scale.

Evaluating the Product or Process
            Once refinements have been made, the project is installed and evaluated in terms of effects, practicality and degree of acceptance by “participants”. The data used for making evaluative judgments about the project may be qualitative verbal statements obtained through observation and discussion or quantitative numerical data obtained through measurement and then analyzed statistically.

Merits and Demerits of Action Research Cautions
           Action research provides benefits not often encountered in other types of research. It resolves an immediate problem. It can producer tangible product or useful process. It has great potential for bringing about improvements. It is relatively easy to carry out.
            While on the other hand, Action research is the least precise and most subject to deserved criticism concerning bias, reliability and validity. The findings are limited to the selling where they research was done; if they are applied elsewhere it must be understood that the results may will be different.

What is Evaluation Research?
            Evaluation is the process of determining the value or worth of something. Evaluation requires a formal evaluation design and procedures in order to collect and analyze data systematically for determining the value of a specific practice perform in computer research. Evaluation research is done to determine the relative merits of various products and approaches used in computer science. IT experts often conduct this type of research, especially for formally assessing products and processes developed in action research.

Organizing for Evaluation Research
            Evaluation research is used to determine the worth of a product, procedure or program that has been put into place to serve a participate purpose, or that is being considered for use.

            As in other research, the problem statement indicates the purpose of the research.

Questions or Hypotheses
            In evaluation studies, research questions are most often used to guide the investigation. However, it is certainly possible to guide the research through hypothesis rather than questions if one desires.

Design for Obtaining Data:
            Evaluation research is designed, first to determine the contents, status, or results of whatever is being evaluated and second, to compare that assessment against a set of criteria that indicate desired traits. The degree correspondence between assessment and criteria is used to indicate the worth of whatever is being assessed and the resultant information is used for making decisions or changes.

            Criteria are specific indicators of equality. They might have to do with contents or traits or end results. Textbooks to determine whether their contents correspond to curriculum objectives and items on standardized tests. The criteria may be a single factor such as students achievement or some achievement in computer science subject. However, the list of criteria will include a number of specific elements.

            Data my be obtained by testing or interviewing IT experts, teachers, users, programmer, industrial or to the people concern with specific job. They may also be gathered by analysis tangible object such as books and materials or analysis documents that describe programs. Procedures and curricula, or by observing and nothing procedures as they are implemented. Some of the data, such as test scores and ratings, will be numerical. Other data, such as notations, interview responses and written descriptions, will be largely verbal.

Data Analysis
            Data are analyzed either statistically or qualitatively, using procedures that facilitate comparison of data to criteria.

            Findings report the results of data analysis. What is discovered about the products, procedures, programs, or curricula being investigated.


            Here the investigator compares findings with the stated criteria used in the study, makes judgements concerning the degree of correspondence between the two and reports his or her considered opinion concerning meanings and implications.

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