Research Method in Computer Science

Research Method in Computer Science

Research has proved to be an essential and powerful tool in leading man towards progress.

“The secret of our cultural development has been research, pushing back the areas of ignorance by discovering new truths, which, in turn, lead to better ways of doing things and better products.”

All significance research leads to progress, in some field of life or the other. Each year new products new facts, new concepts and new ways of doing things come into our lives due to ever-increasing significant research in the physical (Computer Science), the biological, as well as the social and the psychological fields.

Computer Science field has a large number of problems at various levels as well as give chance to implement work electronically through different types of new opportunity. They can engage both the highly trained professional research student and ordinary practitioner in both the basic and the applied investigations. Computer Science research may be looked at in two ways, viz. according to the objects that are investigated and according to our aims.

There are some important components of objects studied by computer researchers:
1.                  Different Algorithms/ Alternative Algorithms
2.                  Data Structures/ Alternative Structive
3.                  Computing problems
4.                  Physical(Hardware) Components and their improvement
5.                  Software Components and their improvement
6.                  Cloud Computing
7.                  Networking
8.                  Engineering in Software (Software Engineering)
9.                  Database
10.              Programming and it’s techniques
11.              Boolean algebra
12.              Computer Architecture
13.              Operating System
14.              Human Computer Interaction
15.              Artificial Intelligence
16.              Privacy and Security
17.              Digital logic and Design
18.              and many more….

These objects are categories from tools (Entire in computer) to topic in computer Science.

The process of action research has the following aspects:
1.                  Self-dissatisfaction: The research is dissatisfied and perturbed with the way things are happening in his field of work.
2.                  Confidence: The researcher has the confidence that improvement can be brought about.
3.                  Specifies the dissatisfaction: He is then able to pinpoint the problems which are causing his dissatisfaction.
4.                  Defines the problem: This then enables him to define his problems.
5.                  Diagnosis: He then locates the weaknesses which cause the problem.
6.                  Search for more promising practice.
7.                  Design the testing of the hypothesis
8.                  The action Hypothesis.

 Among the advantages claimed for action research as a method of bringing about change are these:
  1. The person who must improve if the problem is to be solved is active in the change process from the beginning.
  2. Facts and evidence are stressed, which keep the change process anchored more continuously to reality.
  3. The approach is experimental and tentative rather than dogmatic.
  4. An integral part of action research is the experiment which actually is change evaluated.
  5. Action research emphasizes a desirable decentralization of decision making and action.

Characteristics of Computer Science Research
  1. The need for research in Computer Science has increased with the changing ideas and the rapid expansion and democratization of digital technologies of computers based all over the world.
  2. Computer Science research is the application of the principles and methods of scientific research, for the solution of problems in the field of Computer Science, the more important toward the revolutionary change in the world through the computer/ digital technology.
  3. Computer Science research is more often applied than fundamental. Involvement of the practitioner in what is known as action research has been emphasized for time to time.
  4. The characteristics of educational research common, with those of scientific research are:
    1. It is highly purposive.
    2. It is expert, systematic and accurate.
    3. It involves the formulation and testing of hypothesis.
    4. It gathers new knowledge or data.
    5. It is logical and objective.
    6. It organizes data in quantitative terms and records and reports the studies carefully.
    7. It emphasizes the discovery of general principles.
  5. The characteristics of Computer research common with those of social, behavioral and mental studies are:
    1. It reckons, with sound commonsense.
    2. It needs imagination and insight as much as a scientific attitude of mind.
    3. Its procedures are absolutely exact.
    4. It is the field of specialist only.
    5. Computer Educationists have well realized and expressed the need and significance of computer research.

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