Research Proposal/ Synopsis on Network Processor Virtualization of Assessment and Comparison in Cloud Computing

Network  Processor Virtualization of Assessment and Comparison in Cloud Computing 

Research Proposal 



Mr. Zain-ul-Abdin

Faculty of Computer & Information Technology
Superior University, Lahore



For many of us, Cloud Computing was a very fascinating word and many are still not sure that what is it. Cloud computing is basically a computing paradigm. According to Vaquero et al. cloud computing is built on the concepts of virtualization, distributed computing or utility computing. In simple words, cloud computing is a distributed computing system. Before we get in the further details that what we do with these cloud systems or in fact with cloud computing, we will define the term cloud computing. There are many definitions for cloud computing but none is concrete and complete. Every definition differs from the other, with focus on one or more aspects of cloud computing. The main focus of all these definition revolves around scalability, resources monitoring, automation and optimization, collaboration, expensiveness, utility computing, user friendliness, services, virtualization of hardware and software and many more . On the other hand, in  authors had proposed a self-explanatory definition for the cloud, in which they had considered all the features and factors a cloud system could hold. According to Vaquero et al. Clouds are a large pool of easily usable and accessible.

Problem Statement

 Network virtualization in cloud computing environment.

Research Questions

Can we isolate networks in network virtualization?
Can we have multiple virtual connections for one VM?
How much CPU is utilized by virtualization network processes?
How frequently CPU is being shared among all virtual machines?

Introduction to Project

In current era, almost all of us have heard of latest hardware technologies and enhancements, made by the technologist, from different vendors like Intel, Apple, AMD and other manufacturers. Latest machines are equipped with improved and updated technology. These machines are much faster and much more capable of doing stub in comparison to those earlier machines which were in use like 15 or 20 years ago. If we do some research on the improvement and enhancement process of these technologies in detail on the basis of which these latest hardware equipment are built on, we will realize that hardware improvements has almost touched its peak. The continuous evolvement has already made hardware equipment so dense and complex that further improvement is not an easy task to achieve, and even if possible it will not be cheap and cost effective. Therefore, manufactures and technologists have come to a point where they are extending their research towards finding a way to get maximum output from the existing hardware instead of making it more dense and complex. Cloud computing has also emerged as a result of these researches.

Literature Review

Here a survey of on-going research activity is presented. This is followed by a comparative analysis of Network  Processor Virtualization of Assessment and Comparison in Cloud Computing.

Network  Processor Virtualization of Assessment and Comparison in Cloud Computing is an emerging field of research. Here we present a category-wise report of on-going research activities.

Distributed Approach

Cloud computing is a kind of Internet-based computing that provides shared processing resources and data to computers and other devices on demand. It is a model for enabling ubiquitous, on-demand access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications and services),which can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort. Cloud computing and storage solutions provide users and enterprises with various capabilities to store and process their data in third-party data centers.It relies on sharing of resources to achieve coherence and economy of scale, similar to a utility (like theelectricity grid) over a network.
According to Va- quero et al. [40] \Clouds are a large pool of easily usable and accessible virtualized resources (such as hardware, development platforms and/or services). These resources can be dynamically re-con_gured to adjust to a variable load (scale), allowing also for an optimum resource utilization.

Virtualization is software that separates physical infrastructures to create various dedicated resources. It is the fundamental technology that powers cloud computing. Virtualization software makes it possible to run multiple operating systems and multiple applications on the same server at the same time," said Mike Adams, director of product marketing at VMware, a pioneer in virtualization and cloud software and services. "It enables businesses to reduce IT costs while increasing the efficiency, utilization and flexibility of their existing computer hardware.
Network virtualization is a networking environment where multiple virtual networks are established on top of a physical network. Each virtual network (VN) in a network virtualized environment (NVE) is a collection of virtual nodes and virtual links. We can also say that, virtual networks are the subset of base physical network [23]. In network virtualization we can create and manage multiple virtual networks.

A virtual machine (VM) is an imitation of a particular computer system and act as a virtual computing resource in a cloud environment. As traditional network models cannot control and monitor the interconnection between these virtual resources, so a strong mechanism is required
i.e. network virtualization. Network virtualization provides more benets and features over physical networks, like software level control andmanagement.

XenServer is an open source server virtualization platform by Citrix.XenServer provides virtualized performance for servers and operating systems. It does so by providing virtualization on top of physical hardware. XenServer is based on Xen hypervisor for its functionality, which
is used to virtualize the hardware. We can host and run multiple VMs on top of XenServer at a time without compromising on performance.We can combine multiple XenServers to create a resource pool.

Hyper-V allows organizations to optimize their server hardware requirements by replacing the server roles with virtual machines running on a single host machine. Hyper-V is also capable to efficiently run other operating systems like Linux etc. So far there are two different versions of Hyper-V have been introduced Hyper-V technology and Microsoft Hyper-V Server.


Aims & Objectives of the Study

For the successful investigation of proposed problem, we had setup an experimental environment. To answer the proposed research questions several relevant experiments had been conducted. For analyzing the results we had populated the graphs from experimental results for each experiment and then discussed those results in detail. All relevant details for setting up the environment and experiments are explained in coming chapters.

In this chapter we shall describe the work which has been done previously in the domain of cloud computing and virtualization and how their work dire from our work. At the end of this chapter, we will also describe our contribution toward network virtualization.

cloud is a system which provides services to its users. These services are offered to service users by some Service Provider (SP), whereas Service Provider is an entity who establishes and manages the cloud system as well as offer services to the users. These services are usually accessible to users or subscribers over internet. Cloud tries to outsource these offered services to the cloud Infrastructure Providers (IP) as a service. Due to this, computing resources are moved from SPs to IPs, resulting in exibility and reduction in cost to SPs.

Request for Approval

Therefore, I request your approval for my research proposal. If you wish me to modify or improve my proposal, I will resubmit it after incorporating the necessary changes. I would also be grateful for your advice and help in conducting my research and completing my research.

____________________ _____________________
     Date                        Student Signature

I __________________________________, hereby approve the topic

For research submitted by _______________________ Roll No, _________, student of MS (IT) of Superior University, Lahore.

         Signature of Supervisor                           Date

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Note: This article is upload for getting the idea as How to write the synopsis for MS CS Students. This is one of the real synopsis to get idea. 

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