Research Proposal/ Synopsis on Evaluation of Fire impact on Bridge Construction: A Case Study

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Synopsis for Master of Science______________

I.  Name of Student:
III. Title of Synopsis: Evaluation of Fire impact on Bridge Construction: A Case Study

IV. Thesis Research
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This paper deals with the behaviour of the bridge construction structure for vehicle fire in tragedy and effect the steel girder. Fire problem is most common problem on road either at solid ground place or at bridge type construction. The increase in the tragedies of incident based on either road accident or in case of fire tragedy effects the construction of bridges and in some case it may either cause to become failure the flow of traffic from bridge. This case study deal with failure of flow of traffic from bridge caused due to the fire of gasoline tanker.
The behaviour or evaluation of steel girder which is used in bridges is also considers for failure of flow of bridge using small vehicle fires. Part toward the micro level cracked in the steel girder of the bridge which may be caused due to fatigue is also considers. The temperature factor is important and consider maximum of temperature 10500C which is the temperature less than the temperature of hydrocarbon for the fire caused due to gasoline tanker.
This case study use the statistics analysis based on the finite element software which is named as software ABAQUS. For the sake of simplicity, only one steel girder is consider which can be further extend to whole bridge as well as all types of variation in different bridges.
Need of the Project:

The Creep analysis which have to carry out for the analysis of bridge construction gives the residual life span of bridge girder. It’s give the result based on the high temperature as well as high pressures and also external forces which is acting on the bridges girder. The analysis results perform using the software which is named as ABAQUS software.

Review of Literature:

The authors in (Dr. Qiang Xu, 2016) conducted the analysis and estimation using Abaqus software for the creep life in a pipe which is operated for the long period of time. He perform the analysis using the creep mechanism types such as diffusion creep, dislocation Creep and Sliding of Grain Boundary for the creep life of pipe. Factors which are contributing to creep includes temperature, stress and microstructure are also highlight to get the desire results. Design approach as well as Service dependent approach is also used as approaches for predicting Creep life. For the sake of results and discussion, the analysis is performed using the data collection from Abaqus software through different method as calculation method, internal Pressure Condition, Normal force Condition, Shear force Condition and condition of bending moment as using the all possible technique for the sake of creeping of pipe life cycle. Results based upon the maximum and minimum value of the condition of internal pressure as well as on the condition of the different value of the stress. The results for the sake of Creep Strain are also presented using the graphic values between these factors of computation.

The authors in (Abdullah Aziz Saad, 2012) conducted the research on the thermo-mechanical fatigue which is caused due to the cyclic operation of the power plant which may cause due to startup and shutdown processes. The objective of conducted study based on the development of the material constitutive model.  Here, tests are performed with Instron 8862 TMF machine system. Some test named as strain controlled tests, isothermal tests and Strained controlled thermo mechanical fatigue test which are same relates to as temperature, pressure and stain. Here used the viscoplasticity model for the sake of obtaining data. The simulation perform using the ABAQUS software is for to validate the performance for model using different types of loading values.

Stress-strain behaviour is the behaviour of the material and it is divided into two classes (Charkaluk, 2002). First class representing the physically based model while the second class representing the phenomenological based model. Fatigue model are of two types as one is Strain based model while second is Energy based model. In case of Stress Strain analysis, Young’s modulus analysis and Hysteresis loop area analysis give the results related to maximum and minimum value for stress and strain.
In ABAQUS software, external material library software such as Zmat is also used for the sake of simulation results for the behaviour of steels with stress as well as strain. Simulation can also be done using other factors includes cyclic loading, notched specimen and fatigue loading.

Materials and Methods:

The methodology uses the case study which explored the contents of bridge girder. The factor of temperature as well as pressure is both important for the sake of calculation of the data and getting the data while the ABAQUS software is also used for the sake of performing the simulation between the factor of temperature, stress and strain. Simulation using abaqus software gives the graphical result of the collected data and also relates the result of temperature, stress and strain for maximum and minimum values.

Literature Cited:

[01] Sanjay Sanal Kumar, 2016. Analysis and Estimation of Creep Life in a pipe operated for a long Period of Time. The University of Huddersfield, unpublished.

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[03] Abdullah Aziz Saad, 2012. Cyclic plasticity and creep of power plant materials. University of Nottingham.

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