Secondary School Teacher SST FPSC: Most Important Solved 110 MCQs

1.    Elements of admisitration accordiing to Luther Gulick are explained as:
2.    Curriculum change is followed by:
a.     Student’s poor results
b.    Selection of content
c.     Try out proposed content
d.    Curriculum evaluation
3.    One component of the curriculum is not:
a.     Design
b.    Evaluation
c.     Content
d.    Teaching strategies
4.    Hilda Taba believes the curriculum should be designed by:
a.     Students
b.    Teacher’s
c.     Parents
d.    Curriculum Specialist
5.    Immediate outcomes of classroom instruction are related to:
a.     Aims
b.    Objectives
c.     Goals
d.    Targets
6.    Ideological basis of curriculum development can be derived from foundation of:
a.     Sociological
b.    Psychological
c.     Philosophical
d.    Economic
7.    At the end of a cource which type of assessment is used:
a.     Formative
b.    Summative
c.     Placement
d.    Diagonostic
8.    Limitation of multiple choice test time is:
a.     Lock of objectivity
b.    Limited measurement of achievement
c.     Difficulty in scoring
d.    Lack of chance of expression
9.    Focusing islamization of knowledge and national ideology was in the policy of:
a.     1956
b.    1973
c.     1979
d.    1998
10.                       Best leadership ignores:
a.     Inspiring a shared vision
b.    Search for opportunities, experiments and take risks
c.     Forcing collaboration
d.    Envisioning the  future
11.                       Idealism is a school of
a.     Reality
b.    Realism
c.     Education
d.    Philosophy
12.                       The world is characterized by progress and change when it is viewed by:
a.     Idealist
b.    Realist
c.     Pragmatist
d.    Existentialist
13.                       Jobs are compensated on the basis of:
a.    Job specification
b.    Job worth
c.     Job description
d.    Job analysis
14.                       Type of leader lets subordinates know what is expected of them by setting performance standard refers to:
a.     Supportive
b.    Participative
c.     Directive
d.    Job analysis
15.                       Name the method which deals with only one person at a time and promotes his adjustment:
a.     Case study
b.    Questionnaire
c.     Clinical method
d.    Experimental method
16.                       Formal education is meant for:
a.     Flexible rules of entry and exit
b.    Rigid rules of entry and exit
c.     No rules of entry and exit
d.    Few rules of entry and exit
17.                       Students portfolio is the collection of:
a.     School record
b.    Teacher record
c.     Student work record
d.    Office work record
18.                       Education sector reforms were initiated during:
a.     1947-1948
b.    1998-2000
c.     1959-1060
d.    2004-2005
19.                       Every School is organized, operated and admistrated according to a:
a.     Philosophy of teaching
b.    Philosophy of education
c.     Philosophy of guidance
d.    Philosophy of learning
20.                       Curriculum based on thinking of john dewey is:
a.     Subject centered curriculum
b.    Learner centered curriculum
c.     Board field curriculum
d.    Teacher centered curriculum
21.                       Teaching should be according to the needs and interests of students, this is the principle of:
a.     Team teaching
b.    Democracy
c.     Individual differences
                                                             i.      Student centered
22.                       Students over all development is emphasized in
a.     Subject centered
b.    Learner centered
c.     Activiity based
d.    Budget file
23.                       In financial records the most important in the school is:
a.     School calendar
b.    Cash book
c.     Service book
d.    Budget file
24.                       PC-I deals with:
a.     The approval of pay scale
b.    School building renovations
c.     Proposing new projects
d.    Economic factor of a Scheme
25.                       Plato’s philosophy stressed education as:
a.     The function of religious bodies
b.    A means of preserving the state
c.     The development of individual differences
d.    A necessity for classless societies
26.                       Symposium is a type of
a.    Discussion method
b.    Discovery method
c.     Lecture method
d.    Demonstration method
27.                       Staff development means:
a.     Recruiting staff
b.    Staff Training
c.     Increasing staff
d.    Decreasing staff
28.                       Teaching is a profession due to teachers:
a.     Love of children
b.    Love for knowledge
c.     Matery over pedagogical aspects
d.    Observance of professional ethics
29.                       Due to funding shortage, the major problem of management of Pakistan education system lies in:
a.    Planning
b.    Supply
c.     Evaluation
d.    Training
30.                       The subject teaching through drama or role play at school level is:
a.    History
b.    Science
c.     Geography
d.    Training
31.                       The process of helping individual to make life adjustment at home, school and other phases of life is called:
a.     Counseling
b.    Advice
c.     Guidance
d.    Direction
32.                       Teacher is considered in the world as:
a.     State agent
b.    Change agent
c.     Social agent
d.    Political agent
33.                       Jamia Millia could not become popular among Muslims due to its opposition to:
a.     Hindus
b.    British
c.     Two nation theory
d.    Secularism thoughts
34.                       In which register, remarks are written by the inspecting staff:
a.     Order Register
b.    Conduct Register
c.     Visitor Register
d.    Log Book
35.                       Peoples National University now AIOU was established as per educational policy of:
a.     1970
b.    1972
c.     1979
d.    1992
36.                       AIOU established in:
a.     1970
b.    1972
c.     1974
d.    1992
37.                       Basic unit for informal education is:
a.     School
b.    Maktab
c.     Allama Iqbal Open University
d.    Family
38.                       The laboratory school was founded by:
a.    John dewey
b.    Horace Mann
c.     Helen Parkhurst
d.    Socrates
39.                       Measurement is a dimension of:
a.    Educational evaluation
b.    Learning goals
c.     Extent of teaching
d.    Altitude
40.                       Which of the following is the ideological foundation of education?
a.     Logic
b.    Tradition
c.     Philosophy
d.    Psychology
41.                       Now exceptional children:
a.    Can be schooled with the normal children
b.    Cannot be schooled with the normal children
c.     Are not found in colleges
d.    Family are not responsible
42.                       Who said, “Education is the activity of integrated and gradual development of individual’s abilities”
a.    Pestallozzi
b.    J.S. Mill
c.     Aristotle
d.    Socrates
43.                       The philosopher stated that “Education is the activity of enabling an individual to recognize God and discriminate between good and evil” was:
a.     Ibn-Khaldun
b.    Ghazali
c.     Allama Iqbal
d.    Shah Wali Ullah
44.                       The type of education refers to the learning generated from the social experiences and observations of an individual is:
a.     Formal
b.    Informal
c.     Non-formal
d.    None of these
45.                       The quality of schools education is exclusively depending upon:
a.     Infrastructural facilities
b.    Financial provisions
c.     International support
d.    The quality of teacher education
46.                       The most important indicator of quality of education in a school is:
a.     Good school discipline
b.    Teaching facilities
c.     Textbooks and teaching- learning material
d.    Student achievement level
47.                       University Grants commision in our education was established in Islamabad?
a.     1968
b.    1972
c.     1974
d.    1973
48.                       The chief source for the accomplishment of the aims of education is:
a.     Teacher
b.    Curriculum
c.     Method of teaching
d.    Evaluation
49.                       Of the following, who is a humanistic psychologist?
a.     Sigmund Freud
b.    Maslow
c.     B.F. Skinner
d.    John Watson
50.                       There is close association between learning process and:
a.     Learning psychology
b.    Learning environment
c.     School System
d.    Teacher
51.                       One purpose of evaluation is to maintain an awareness of the continous relationship which exists between educational objectives and:
a.    Educational achievement
b.    Educational motivations
c.     Education results
d.    Education differences
52.                       Thoughts and ideas of the individual are termed as:
a.    Attitudes
b.    Individual differences
c.     Learning
d.    Motives
53.                       Main distinction lies in the emphasis today on planning with people rather than planning:
a.     Without people
b.    Independently
c.     Without facts
d.    About people
54.                       The very first teacher of a child is:
a.    Mother
b.    Friend
c.     Peer group
d.    Relatives
55.                       Establishing DPI office was proposed pre-partition by:
a.     Lord Macauley
b.    Lord Hunting
c.     Wood
d.    Hunter
56.                       Which of the following was the significant aim of Educational Conference 1947:
a.     Attention towards adult education
b.    Preparation for the changing needs
c.     Development of the emotions of sacrifice and service
d.    Modification of education system in line with the culture
57.                       Prior planning is not possible in:
a.    Activity centered curriculum
b.    Decrease in number of books
c.     Integrated curriculum
d.    Horizontal organization
58.                       The philosopher who gave the idea that education should be based on the principles of human development was?
a.     Dewey
b.    Watson
c.     Rousseau
d.    Thomdike
59.                       Which medium of instruction is prescribed at primary level in Pakistan?
a.    Provincial Language/ Urdu
b.    Urdu only
c.     English only
d.    None of these
60.                       SOLO taxonomy consists of levels:
a.     2
b.    3
c.     4
d.    5
61.                       SOLO taxonomy was presented by:
a.     Bloom
b.    Krath whol
c.     Simpson
d.    Biggs & Collis
62.                       Students are passive in:
a.     Project method
b.    Discovery method
c.     Lecture method
d.    Inquiry method
63.                       Arm strong was the exponent of:
a.     Problem solving method
b.    Project method
c.     Discussion method
d.    Heuristic method
64.                       According to Kilpatrick, the types of projects are:
a.     2
b.    3
c.     5
d.    12
65.                       Activity involves
a.     Physical action
b.    Mental action
c.     Physical action
d.    Physical action and mental action
66.                       We move from specific to general in
a.    Inductive method
b.    Deductive method
c.     Drill method
d.    Discussion method
67.                       We move from general to specific in
a.     Inductive method
b.    Deductive method
c.     Drill method
d.    Discussion method
68.                       Practice is made in
a.     Inductive method
b.    Deductive method
c.     Drill method
d.    Discussion method
69.                       The socratic method is known as:
a.     Lecture demonstration method
b.    Discussion method
c.     Inquiry method
d.    Question-answer method
70.                       Which is not true about projects
a.     It is a purposeful activity
b.    It is proceeded in social environment
c.     It is accomplished in real life
d.    It is teacher centred activity
71.                       Duration of lessons in macro-lesson plans
a.     5-10 min
b.    10-20 min
c.     20-30 min
d.    35-45min
72.                       In british approach of lesson planning, more emphasis is on:
a.     Activity
b.    Teacher
c.     Content presentation
d.    Teacher and content presentation
73.                       American approach emphasizes
a.     Teacher
b.    Content presentation
c.     Learning objectives
d.    Methods
74.                       Which one is not the type of lesson plans on the basis of objectives?
a.    Micro lesson plan
b.    Congnitive lesson plan
c.     Affective lesson plan
d.    Psychomotor lesson plan
75.                       Which is not true about lesson plan?
a.     It is develops confidence
b.    It helps in orderly delivery of contents
c.     It is developed by students
d.    It saves from haphazard teaching
76.                       According to stomert and morris, teaching strategy is
a.     Art of war
b.    Art of deploying army
c.     Generalized plan for lesson
d.    Broad method of teaching
77.                       “strategies are broad methods of teaching” according to the words of:
a.     Stones & Morris
b.    I.K. Davis
c.     B.O. Smith
d.    Clarks
78.                       Training is used to:
a.     To form habits
b.    To shape the habits
c.     To lead the human beings
d.    None of them
79.                       The main types of teleconferencing identified are
a.     2
b.    3
c.     4
d.    5
80.                       Which is not the types of teleconferencing
a.     Audio teleconferencing
b.    Video teleconferencing
c.     T.V teleconferencing
d.    Computer teleconferencing
81.                       Which one is accountable in cooperative learning:
a.     Individual
b.    Group
c.     Both a & b
d.    None of a & b
82.                       Cooperative learning is an alternative to
a.    Competitive models
b.    Teaching models
c.     Lesson plans
d.    Micro teaching
83.                       The number of students in cooperative learning group are
a.    3-4
b.    5-6
c.     8-10
d.    10-15
84.                       The essential characteristic of cooperative learning is:
a.     Effective learning
b.    Positive interdependence
c.     Cooperative
d.    Division of labour
85.                       The students like to spend the most of the time with
a.     Teachers
b.    Parents
c.     Relatives
d.    Peers
86.                       Peer culture constitutes
a.    Socialization
b.    Individualization
c.     Both a & b
d.    None of a & b
87.                       Which is not the advantage of team teaching
a.     Better utilization of resources
b.    Better planning
c.     Better use of teaching techniques
d.    Better financial benefits of teachers
88.                       The hypothesis underlying team teaching is
a.     teachers feel bore while working alone
b.    teachers are not competent
c.     the best teachers in schools are shared by more students
d.    the single teacher cannot control the class
89.                       CAI stands for
a.     Computer analyzed instruction
b.    Computer assisted instruction
c.     Computer assisted interview
d.    Computer analyzed interview
90.                       Taxonomy of educational objectives was presented in
a.     1946
b.    1956
c.     1966
d.    1976
91.                       The classification of cognitive domain was presented by
a.    Benjamin S. Bloom
b.    Skinner
c.     Krathwhol
d.    Simpson
92.                       Cognitive domain have
a.     3 subgroups
b.    4 subgroups
c.     5 subgroups
d.    6 subgroups
93.                       The lowest level of learning in cognitive domain is:
a.     Comprehension
b.    Synthesis
c.     Knowledge
d.    Application
94.                       The right sequence of subgroups cognitive domain is:
a.     Knowledge, comprehension, application, synthesis, analysis, evaluation
b.    Knowledge, comprehension, application, evaluation, analysis, synthesis
c.     Knowledge, comprehension, evaluation, application, analysis, synthesis
d.    Knowledge, compreshension, application, analysis, synthesis, evaluation
95.                       The highest level of learning in cognitive domain is:
a.    Evaluation
b.    Synthesis
c.     Analysis
d.    Application
96.                       Knowing/ memorizing and recalling is concerned with:
a.     Comprehension
b.    Application
c.     Knowledge
d.    Evaluation
97.                       To grasp the meaning of the material is:
a.    Comprehension
b.    Application
c.     Knowledge
d.    Synthesis
98.                       To use previous learned material in new situation is:
a.     Comprehension
b.    Application
c.     Knowledge
d.    Analysis
99.                       To break down material into component parts to know its organizational structure is
a.     Comprehension
b.    Application
c.     Analysis
d.    Synthesis
100.                  Objective related to affective domain is:
a.     Student can paint a picture
b.    Student can draw a graph
c.     Student values honesty
d.    Student can write a letter
101.                  Bring together scientific ideas to form a unique idea is:
a.     Application
b.    Analysis
c.     Synthesis
d.    Evaluation
102.                  Which is vast in scope
a.     Teaching tactic
b.    Teaching technique
c.     Teaching strategy
d.    Teaching method
103.                  Students find/ explore the in formations themselves in
a.     Lecture method
b.    Discovery method
c.     Both
d.    None
104.                  Teacher performs practically and explains in
a.     Lecture method
b.    Discovery method
c.     Demonstration method
d.    Problem solving method
105.                  Role of student is active in
a.     Discover method
b.    Problem solved method
c.     Inquiry method
d.    All above
106.                  Micro teacher is a
a.     Teacher method
b.    Teaching training technique
c.     Motivational technique
d.    None of above
107.                  What is the time of presentation in micro teaching?
a.     1-5 min
b.    5-10 min
c.     10-15 min
d.    15-20 min
108.                  What is the No of students in micro teaching?
a.     1-5
b.    5-10
c.     10-15
d.    15-20
109.                  Micro teaching started in
a.     1450
b.    1460
c.     1470
d.    1480
110.                  Which is not the mode of CAI?
a.     Tutorial mode
b.    Drill mode
c.     Simullation mode
d.    Question mode

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