General Knowledge MCQs | UNIVERSE | Planets in Solar System

1.       Which one of the following planets has the maximum number of satellites?
a.       Jupiter
b.      Uranus
c.       Saturn
d.      Venus
2.       The rising of the evening star indicates the
a.       South Pole
b.      North Pole
c.       East
d.      West
3.       Which is the hottest planet in our solar system?
a.       Venus
b.      Nepture
c.       Mars
d.      Jupiter
4.       The planet which revolves very slowly around the sun is:
a.       Neptune
b.      Jupiter
c.       Mars
d.      None of these
5.       The Saturn rings were discovered by:
a.       Copernicus
b.      Newton
c.       Galileo
d.      None of these
6.       The planet, which is not only the smallest but also nearest to the sun is,
a.       Jupiter
b.      Mercury
c.       Mars
d.      Venus
7.       Which of the following spacecrafts enabled man to step on the moon first?
a.       Sputnik I
b.      Luna II
c.       Voshod I
d.      Apolio XI
8.       Which of the following planets is farthest from the sun according to new scientific research?
a.       Mercury
b.      Mars
c.       Neptune
d.      Uranus
9.       Which of the following planets takes the least time to complete one revolution around the sun?
a.       Earth
b.      Mercury
c.       The Mars
d.      Venus
10.   Which of the following planets takes the longest time to complete one revolution around the sun?
a.       Pluto
b.      Sasturm
c.       Uranus
d.      Venus

11.   The sun consists mostly of:
a.       Helium
b.      Hydrogen
c.       Nitrogen
d.      Oxygen
12.   The only planet in the solar system which rotates on its axis from East to West is:
a.       Earth
b.      Jupiter
c.       Nepture
d.      Uranus
13.   The light coming from stars gives the idea of their:
a.       Size
b.      Rotation
c.       Mass
d.      Temperature
14.   Super Nova is:
a.       An asteriod
b.      A black hole
c.       A comet
d.      A dying star
15.   Triton is a satellite of:
a.       Jupiter
b.      Pluto
c.       Uranus
d.      Neptune
16.   Which is the brightest planet in the Solar System?
a.       Jupiter
b.      Mercury
c.       Uranus
d.      Venus
17.   In Which year did man first step out on the moon?
a.       1961
b.      1965
c.       1969
d.      1971
18.   How many times is the sun bigger in size than the earth?
a.       69 times
b.      89 times
c.       99 times
d.      109 times
19.   The only planet whose day is longer than its year is:
a.       Mars
b.      Venus
c.       Uranus
d.      Neptune
20.   The first ever artificial satellite was launched by:
a.       Russia
b.      France
c.       Japan
d.      America
21.   The first artifical satellite was launched in:
a.       October 4, 1951
b.      October 4, 1961
c.       October 4, 1957
d.      October 4, 1967
22.   America launched its first space station in:
a.       1963
b.      1969
c.       1973
d.      1978
23.   On 20th July 1969, two American scientists landed on
a.       Moon of earth
b.      Mars
c.       Pluto
d.      Jupiter

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