HM Test Preparation: 30-06-2018

Time 45 minutes
Marks :30
Edited comments will not be counted..
Give Answers in only one coments with sequence..
1.The Concept of Free Education was given by:
A. John dewy
B. Kanannangara
C. Forbel
D. Aristootle
2.The Education that a person receives from birth till death is called :
A. Semi formal
B. Formal
C. Informal
D. None-formal
3.At Primary level, the drop out ratio in Pakistan is.......
A. 30%
4.The Chairman of commission on National Education, 1959 was......
A. SM Sharif
B. Mohammad Ali Sharif
C. Sayed Sharifuddin Pirzada
D. None of these
5.Who presented the Salient fretures of Education Policy 1972.
A.Z A Bhutto
B. Abdul Hafeez Perzado
C. Kh. Nizamudin
D. None of these
6.The Word "Epistemology" means......
A. Theory of Understanding
B. Theory of thinking
C. Theory of Logic
D. Theory of Knowledge
7.Really does not exist in this world is said by:
A. John Dewey
B. Plato
C. Aristootle
D. Maslow
8.According to John Dewey, children should experience __________in school to
make them better citizens.
A. Rules
B. Discipline
C. Democracy
D. Practical implementation
9.The Process of curriculum development is continuous and :
A. Whirling
B. Conical
C. Informative
D. None of these
10.Micro teaching is a technique which is..
A. Content Oriented
B. Skill Oriented
C. Assessment Oriented
D. Activity Oriented
11.Projective techniques are used to measure.....
A. Aptitude
B. Intelligence
C. Knowledge
D. Personality
12.What is derived Score?
A. A type of percentage
B. A type of criterion-referenced Score
C. A score that yields normative meaning
D. A score that individuates mastery of a set objectives
13.The type of test used to measure minimum basic knowledge and skills is called....
A. Survey test
B. Performance test
C. Diagnostic test
D. Mastery test
14.Assessment (Either summative or formative) is often categorized as......
A. Objective
B. Subjective
C. Both a & b
D. None of these
15.Course grades are assigned....
A. Placement
B. Formative
C. Diagnostic
D. Summative
16. Children's................ should be measured by assessment
A. Study
B. Personality
C. Progress
D. Prosperity
17.CBA stands for......
A. Community Based Assessment
B. Curriculum Based Assessment.
C. Cooperation Based Assessment
D. Creative Based Assessment
18.Dylexia is a.......
A. Mental disorder
B. Mathematical disorder
C. Reading disorder
D. None of these the most important quality of a teacher at primary level.
A. Eagerness to teach
B. Knowledge of subjects
C. Patience and Perseverance
D. None of these
20 Montessori education system emphasizes A. Observation of Natural Event
B. Reading, writing and Arithmetics
C. Training of senses
D. None of these
21............. Is closely related to teaching skills.
A. Black board writing
B. Solving Questions
C. Asking questions
D. All of the these
22.Main Function of should be......
A. To prepare a child for life
B. To develop capabilities of man
C. To help children in adjustment
D. None of these
23.Discipline means....
A. Strict - behaviour
B. Severe punishment
C. Going by the rules
D. None of these
24.Requisite of good teacher is fulfilled by one who.....
A. Reads a lot
B. Publishes lot of research paper
C. Teaches well
D none of the these the most important for a teacher.
A. Classroom Discipline
B. Subject he is teaching
C. Students of the class
D. None of the these
26.The most important component of lesson plane is?
A. Curriculum evaluation
B. Objectives
C. I.Q
D Education Institution
27.What is compulsory element of learning?
A. Ability to read
B. Bright mind
C. Tendency to Know
D. None of the these
28.Duration of lessons in micro-lesson plane is......
A. 5-10 min
B. 10-20 min
C. 20-30min
D. 35-45 min
29.Studends fine/explore the information themselves in:
A. Lecture method
B. Discovery method
C. Demonstration Method
D. Both b & c
30.Atitudes, values and interests are reflected by:
A. Psychomotor domain
B. Cognitive domain
C. Affective domain
D. None of these
👉👉👉👉Wish you best luck👈👈👈👈👈

Solved Above
Time 45 minutes
Marks :30
Edited comments will not be counted..
Give Answers in only one coments with sequence..
1.The Concept of Free Education was given by:
A. John dewy
B. Kanannangara
C. Forbel
D. Aristootle

2.The Education that a person receives from birth till death is called :
A. Semi formal
B. Formal
C. Informal
D. None-formal
3.At Primary level, the drop out ratio in Pakistan is.......
A. 30%
4.The Chairman of commission on National Education, 1959 was......
A. SM Sharif
B. Mohammad Ali Sharif
C. Sayed Sharifuddin Pirzada
D. None of these
5.Who presented the Salient fretures of Education Policy 1972.
A.Z A Bhutto
B. Abdul Hafeez Perzado
C. Kh. Nizamudin
D. None of these
6.The Word "Epistemology" means......
A. Theory of Understanding
B. Theory of thinking
C. Theory of Logic
D. Theory of Knowledge
7.Really does not exist in this world is said by:
A. John Dewey
B. Plato
C. Aristootle
D. Maslow
8.According to John Dewey, children should experience __________in school to
make them better citizens.
A. Rules
B. Discipline
C. Democracy
D. Practical implementation
9.The Process of curriculum development is continuous and :
A. Whirling
B. Conical
C. Informative
D. None of these
10.Micro teaching is a technique which is..
A. Content Oriented
B. Skill Oriented
C. Assessment Oriented
D. Activity Oriented
11.Projective techniques are used to measure.....
A. Aptitude
B. Intelligence
C. Knowledge
D. Personality
12.What is derived Score?
A. A type of percentage
B. A type of criterion-referenced Score
C. A score that yields normative meaning
D. A score that individuates mastery of a set objectives
13.The type of test used to measure minimum basic knowledge and skills is called....
A. Survey test
B. Performance test
C. Diagnostic test
D. Mastery test
14.Assessment (Either summative or formative) is often categorized as......
A. Objective
B. Subjective
C. Both a & b
D. None of these
15.Course grades are assigned....
A. Placement
B. Formative
C. Diagnostic
D. Summative
16. Children's................ should be measured by assessment
A. Study
B. Personality
C. Progress
D. Prosperity
17.CBA stands for......
A. Community Based Assessment
B. Curriculum Based Assessment.
C. Cooperation Based Assessment
D. Creative Based Assessment
18.Dylexia is a.......
A. Mental disorder
B. Mathematical disorder
C. Reading disorder
D. None of these the most important quality of a teacher at primary level.
A. Eagerness to teach
B. Knowledge of subjects
C. Patience and Perseverance
D. None of these
20 Montessori education system emphasizes
A. Observation of Natural Event
B. Reading, writing and Arithmetics
C. Training of senses
D. None of these
21............. Is closely related to teaching skills.
A. Black board writing
B. Solving Questions
C. Asking questions
D. All of the these
22.Main Function of should be......
A. To prepare a child for life
B. To develop capabilities of man
C. To help children in adjustment
D. None of these
23.Discipline means....
A. Strict - behaviour
B. Severe punishment
C. Going by the rules
D. None of these
24.Requisite of good teacher is fulfilled by one who.....
A. Reads a lot
B. Publishes lot of research paper
C. Teaches well 
D none of the these the most important for a teacher.
A. Classroom Discipline
B. Subject he is teaching
C. Students of the class
D. None of the these
26.The most important component of lesson plan is?
A. Curriculum evaluation
B. Objectives
C. I.Q
D Education Institution
27.What is compulsory element of learning?
A. Ability to read
B. Bright mind
C. Tendency to Know
D. None of the these
28.Duration of lessons in micro-lesson plane is......
A. 5-10 min
B. 10-20 min
C. 20-30min
D. 35-45 min
29.Students fine/explore the information themselves in:
A. Lecture method
B. Discovery method
C. Demonstration Method
D. Both b & c
30.Atitudes, values and interests are reflected by:
A. Psychomotor domain
B. Cognitive domain
C. Affective domain
D. None of these