Understanding Search and Research Term

What is Search?
Search is try to find something by looking
Otherwise seeking carefully and thoroughly
An act of searching for someone or something.

To look somewhere carefully in order to find something:
            Army started search operation to find enemy.
            The police searched the woods for the missing boy.
            She searched his face for some sign of forgiveness, but it remained expressionless.
            He searched his pockets for some change.
            I Had searched high and low (everywhere), but I can not find my birth certificate.
To try to find the answer to a problem:
            What will be the solution of the given problem? Hence, Search is the finding of solution of problem. (But analysis of different solution and highlighted the advantages and disadvantages of different solution in the sense that which solution is perfect for which situation is fall in the category of research)
To look for information on a computer, the internet, etc:-
            I searched the internet for the best deal.

An attempt to find someone or something:
            After a long search, they eventually found the missing papers.
An attempt to find an answer to a problem:
            The search for happiness
An attempt to find information on a computer or on the internet.
            I did a search for jim clubs in my area.

More about understanding search:
            I searched among the rocks, but there was nothing.
            The advanced search includes options for sorting by date and specifying the news source.

What is Searching?:
            Searching is intended to find out the often hidden truth about something.
            It means that we need to ask some searching questions about how the money has been spent.

What is Research?:
            The systematic investigation into and study of materials and source in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions.

            Research is the investigation as investigate the matter, event or program or case, or incident.
            Research is the name of experiment, testing, analysis, examination, fact-finding.

            Research is a detail study of a subject, especially in order to discover (new) information or reach (a new)  understanding.

            Research is the creative and systematic work undertaken to increase the stock of knowledge ( in the existing knowledge), including knowledge of humans, culture and society and the use of this stock of knowledge to devise new applications, or new idea, or new understanding.

            Research is used to establish or confirm facts, really about the result of previous work, solve new or existing problems, support theorems or develop new theories or investigating case study.

           Research in different fields related to follow the steps of research in different field on the basis of subject arts, science, business, etc to conduct the research process. Hence, to conduct the research, we must should be clear about the every step of the research and their objective. What have to achieve in research should be clear in mind so that researcher can make possible best result as a output.

            In another perspective, a researcher is study 100 research paper about one issue or topic and then, finds different problems and sum up those 100 research paper in his own research to solve those issue or problems. Hence, this example made more clear about the research concept as usually what is the purpose of research.

            You receive some information. Now, if you verify those information from different resources and made conclusion toward either it is wrong or right, hence is the name that you made a conduct for verification.

            Another example, suppose you want to conduct research about algorithm in computer science, what are different assumption in the mind of group of people or students feels problem in understanding algorithm can be discuss in the research of algorithm. Also, you studied the algorithm but you may purpose new algorithm for particular problem solving as your own through the study of different algorithm and comparing your algorithm with another one.

            Suppose you want to said that I want to do research about biometric system, then it is not easy process that you can do just in days. For that purpose, you need to aware about different biometric system, you need to read about different techniques and methods used in the biometric system then you need to purpose your point and then for conclusion. Hence, that’s the method to follow the steps for the conduct of research.

Method of Acquiring knowledge:
            Authority (Seeking advice from an authority)
            Personal Experience
            Deduction (General to Specific)
            Induction (Specific to general)

Why Research?
Research is directed toward the solution of a problem. Research goal is to discover the cause and effect relationships between different variables. Research also helpful in predicating about future occurrences with respect to the systematic method related with past events. Research demand accurate observations and description. Research demand well clear knowledge about topic. Research demand Literature Review which aims to know clear about the past research conduct on related topic. Literature review gives clear view to update about your topic knowledge. (Here, the researcher expose topic toward new dimension with different problem, making new hypothesis and give direction to new research). Research strives to be objective and logical, applying every possible test to validate the procedures employed, the data collected, and the conclusions reached.

Research includes any formal collection of data, information and facts for the sake of advancement of knowledge. Also, Research is a work that involves studying something and trying to discover facts about it. Research is the careful study of the given problem.
Research is the careful study of a given subject.

Hence, search is the action of finding something while research is the action to follow the procedure of research to give new knowledge or new understanding, through the systematic investigation or new orderly form arrangement, for new understanding.  

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