Summaries: 10th Class English


                                             Try Again

This poem is written by William Edward Hickson. It teaches us a lesson that we should not give up trying if we want to succeed in life. Failure is a good teacher to learn how to succeed .Often we fail to achieve our goal but we should not lose heart. We are sure to succeed if we strive determinedly in our task. A person fails only when he admits that he has failed. The most vital test of man’s character is how he sustains failure. The poet also conveys the message that struggling again and again is not a disgrace. Our efforts to win add to our grace and honour.

                                              The Rain

This poem is written by W.H.Davies. It tells us about the poet’s great love for Nature. He is in a garden to enjoy the beauty of the rainfall. When the raindrops fall on the tree leaves, they produce a musical noise which the poet enjoys a great deal. The poet also observes that the leaves on the upper branches of trees absorb maximum water .Then it trickles down to the leaves below. The poet hopes that soon the rain will be over. The sun will rise and fill every round drop with light. The leaves on upper branches are the symbol of rich people. The leaves on lower branches stand for poor people who depend on rich people for their survival.


In this poem the poet Dr.Hartmann has described the stormy weather when wind becomes mighty and smashes everything. Like a monster of destruction, the mighty wind does not spare even trees, fields and buildings. But its anger is temporary. Soon the wind becomes soothing and gentle. Thus it generates joy, beauty and peace everywhere. The poet means to say that most of the time Nature is kind and beneficial for the world. Its timely fits of anger are the parts of its scheme of work. Storm is the symbol of the difficult phase in man’s life. This phase may be much destructive, but it soon comes to end.

Study Time Learning by Muhammad Sadaqat Ali.

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