Questions/Answers: 10th Class English


Q.How can people achieve perfection in the moral, spiritual and social areas of life?
Ans: People can achieve perfection in the moral, spiritual and social areas of life by following the life of Hazrat Muhammad (SAW).

Q.How did the Holy prophet (SAW) set high and noble ideals for all mankind?
Ans: The Holy prophet (SAW) set high and noble ideals for all mankind by his practical example.

Q. How were people of Makkah convinced of the Holy Prophet’s justice even before his Prophethood?
Ans:Before his Prophethood, The Holy Prophet (SAW) very wisely and justly resolved the issue of setting of Black Stone. Thus people of Makkah were convinced of his justice.

Q.What made non-Muslims bring their suits to the Holy Prophet (SAW)?
Ans:The justice of the Holy Prophet (SAW) made non-Muslims bring their suits to him.

Q.How does the Quran describe the personality of the Holy Prophet (SAW)?
Ans: “We have, indeed, in the messenger of Allah a good example (of conduct) for everyone whose hope is in Allah and the Final Day”.

Q.what does the word ‘proclaimed’ mean?
Ans: It means announced publicly.

Q.What do you understand by justice?
Ans:Justice means fair treatment with people.

Q.What advice did the Holy Prophet (SAW) give to Hazrat Ali (R.A)?
Ans: He (SAW) advised Hazrat Ali (R.A) not to decide a case without hearing both parties.

Q. When does Chinese New Year start?
Ans: Chinese New Year starts somewhere between January 21 and February 20.

Q.Why do Chinese families do thorough cleaning of their houses before New Year’s Day?
Ans:They do so to clear out bad luck from the previous year and to make the house ready to accept good luck for the coming year.

Q. Which colour is not allowed and which colour is encouraged on Chinese New Year? Why?
Ans: Wearing black is not allowed due to its association with death. Wearing red is encouraged as the colour is associated with warding off bad spirits.

Q.What do decorations on doors and windows symbolize?
Ans:These decorations symbolize good luck and happiness.

Q.What is the significance of New Year’s Eve Dinner?
Ans: This Dinner is arranged to wish and get prosperity and long lasting for one another.

Q.What do the little red envelops filled with money symbolize?
Ans:They symbolize wealth and prosperity for the coming Year.

Q.Why does the dinner consist of eight or nine dishes?
Ans: Because in Chinese language the word “eight” means “prosperity” and “nine” means “long lasting”.

Q.What do you mean by the Chinese word fu?
Ans: It means luck and happiness.

Q.What does the word persevere mean?
Ans:Persevere means to continue trying in spite of difficulties.

Q.Why is the poet repeating the phrase “try again”?
Ans: He is repeating this phrase to give emphasis on the importance of trying again and again.

Q. What can we learn from failure?
Ans: We can learn from our failure about our mistakes. By avoiding these mistakes we can get success.

Q. How is failure not a disgrace?
Ans: Failure is not a disgrace if we learn from our mistakes and try again. The only disgrace is to give up trying.

Q. How many times should we try and why?
Ans: We should keep on trying until we succeed.

Q. What should we do if we find our task hard?
Ans: If we find our task hard, we should keep on trying again and again for our success.

Q. What is the importance of knowledge of “First Aid” in crisis management?
Ans: It is a life saving knowledge and it has much importance in this respect.

Q. You should not keep checking if the bleeding has stopped? Why?
Ans:We should not keep checking if the bleeding has stopped because this may damage or dislodge the clot and cause bleeding to resume.

Q. Why is it necessary to keep away soap from the wound?
Ans: The soap can irritate the wound. So, it is necessary to keep away soap from the wound.

Q. How is antibiotic cream or ointment good in healing the wound?
Ans: The antibiotic cream keeps the surface moist and helps body‘s natural healing process work fast.

Q. What should you do if you are allergic to adhesive material used in bandages?
Ans:we should use adhesive-free dressing.

Q. When do you need to see a doctor?
Ans: We need to see a doctor if the recovery is slow or if the wound is infected. 

Q. What do the rich and poor leaves stand for?
Ans: The rich leaves stand for the rich people whereas the poor leaves stand for the poor people in society?

Q. What does the poet hear?
Ans: The poet hears leaves drinking water.

Q. What according to the poet is a sweet noise?
Ans: The noise made by the rain drops falling on the leaves is a sweet noise.

Q. What will happen after the rain stops?
Ans: After the rain stops a wondrous light will fill each dark, round drop.

Q. What makes the scene lovely?
Ans: After the rain, when the sun shines brightly, it makes the scene lovely.

Q. Which medium do prefer for news? Why?
Ans: I prefer TV because it provides us latest and breaking news round the clock.

Q. How do newspapers give us more in-depth coverage?
Ans: Newspapers give us more in-depth coverage through detailed news and articles.

Q. Why do some people read more than one newspaper?
Ans:Some people read more than one newspaper to get different viewpoints and check the validity of news.

Q. How can readers give feedback to the newspaper articles?
Ans: By writing to the forum pages.

Q. How is newspaper more convenient medium of news?
Ans: A newspaper is more convenient medium of news because we can read it at any time at any place.

Q. How has the writer spent his summer vacation?
Ans: He did different jobs in summer vacation.

Q. What has he gained from his summer jobs experiences?
Ans: He has prepared mentally and financially to face challenges of future.

Q. What is meant by the “right profession”?
Ans: The right profession is the one that is rewarding in terms of both respect and money.

Q. Can modern technology take the place of books?
Ans: No, modern technology gives timely satisfaction.

Q. How did Pip become a successful businessman?
Ans: Pip became a successful businessman by dint of his hard work.

Q. What does the word ‘depleted’ mean?
Ans: It means decreased or lessened.

Q. Why did accusers forgive the villager?
Ans: Because they were impressed by his faithfulness. 

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