Introduction to Education

Meaning of Education:
Education is the word which is derived from four Latin words
1. Educare: Which means to raise, to nourish or to bring up
2. Educere: Which means to lead or to draw out
3. Educatum: Which means to train or to teach
4. Educo: Which means to draw out or to lead.

Conventional Meaning of Education: Education is growth in man which enable a man to spent their lives as a success person

Elements of Education:
Student: whose learn education
Teacher: whose teach education
Learning: which learn students
Content or Material: Which is teaches for students.

Views on Education:
Socrates: (Education is the mean to find truth) Education means the bringing out of the ideas of universal validity which are latent in the mind of every man. It is dispelling error and discovering truth.

Plato: (Balance growth of physical and soul development) Education is the capacity to feel pleasure and pain at the right moment. It develops in the body and in the soul of the pupil all the beauty and all the perfection which he is capable of.

Aristotle: Education is the creation of sound mind in the sound body. It develops man's faculty especially his mind so that he may be able to enjoy the contemplation of supreme truth, goodness and beauty of which perfect happiness essentially consists.

Definition of Education:
Socrates: Education refers to discover the universal of truth, beauty and goodness which governs human conduct.

Plato: Education is the capacity to feel pleasure and pain at the right moment. it develops in the body and in the soul all the beauty and all the perfection which he is capable of.

Aristotle:  Education is the creation of sound mind in the sound body. It develops man's faculty especially his mind so that he may be able to enjoy the contemplation of supreme truth, goodness and beauty of which perfect happiness essentially consists

Types of Education:
1. Formal Education: Which is pre-plan and offered in school, colleges, universities and institutes ..etc...
2. Informal Education: Which is gain through society or while living in family. e.g a son learn from his father his occupation in case of farmer with out joining any institute.
3. Non Formal or Semi Formal Education: Education Just like AIOU or VU in Pakistan

Educational Policies in Pakistan:
1. First Educational Conference 1947: Held from 27 Nov to 1st Dec, 1947 headed by Educational Minister Fazal ur Rehman
2. National Education Commission 1959: Held on 30 Dec 1958. and headed by S.M Sharif in the era of Gen Ayub Khan
3. National Education Commission 1972: Held on 15 Mar 1972, provide free education till matric, Center of Excellence started, Peoples open University later on name as AIOU established on 1974, University Grant Commission UGC established on 19th July 1974, National Cadre Course NCC started to improve physical development in youth
4. National Education Commission 1978: in the era of Gen Zia ul Haq, by Education Minister Muhammad Khan Hoti, Held on Oct 1977.
5. National Education Commission 1992-2000: Era of Nawaz Sharif, held on 20 Dec 1990, Education Minister Syed Fakhar Amam. Compulsory Primary Education, Included Computer in Education from School level.
6. National Education Commission 1998-2010: Era of Nawaz Sharif, held on 27 Mar, 1998, Education Minister Syed Ghos Ali Shah.


  1. Educational Policies :


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