Q: How to find Percentage or Discount of any Number or Amount?

Q: How to find Percentage Discount of any Number?

Example 1:
Tuition fee= 200000
Discount = 20 %
1 % of Tuition fee = 200000/100 =2000
Discount Amount= 2000*20=40000
Payable Tuition fee= 200000-40000=160000

Example 2:
Tuition fee= 225000
1% of Tuition fee= 225000/100=2250
Discount amount= 2250 * 25 =56250
Payable Tuition fee= 225000-56250=168750

Example 3:
Find 17% of 70?
1 % of 70 = 70/100=0.7
17 % of 70 = 0.7 * 17 = 11.9

Example 4:
Find 7% of 7?
1% of 7 = 0.07
7% of 7= 0.07 * 7=0.49

14 % of 7 = 0.07 * 14 =0.98
28 % 0f 7 = 0.07 * 28 = 1.96

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