PTI is the Winner of Election 2018 Game. Why?

Decline of PML N in the form of Sharif family and other PML N leader
Quality and Quantity of Advertisement of PTI politics is better than PML N
Social media Survery report always favor in the form of PTI.
Number of leaders left other political parties and joined PTI. e.g Dr. Firdous Awan
Now, People want to see change in the form of PTI.
There is no doubt that Nawaz Sharif completed lots of project in his era of Prime Minister but he is unable to implement justice quality in Pakistan and finally, he trap in his poor interest toward implementation of justice in society.
This is overall game, as in the month of July, in the history of Pakistan, the decision of courts about PML N shows that there are someone behind this, that want the decline of PML N and rise of PTI.

Question are Still Question and Remain Questions even after PTI government:
Is justice system is enough for Pakistanis in Pakistan?
Is every person in Pakistan become able to get their right?
Is every person become able to get basic necessities of life.
What about the job of young educated people?
Is it possible to control prices and inflation?

Answer is no.

PML N Work in the favor of PML N:
PM Nawaz Sharif government
-Created and provided numbers of job in the form of educator, and other federal and provincial level
-PM laptop scheme and through this scheme, numbers of students in the Pakistan awarded laptop for education.
-Metro Project change the overall structure of the cities and country. Result in fast communication, better road infrastructure, lack of number of accidents, this facility enable general people to move fast from one place to another place.
-Control on petroleum price and tax rates.
-CPEC project
BUT: unable to implement justice and .......structure of police department in the country.

Bad Point:;
- Model Town incident
- Murder of Sulman Taseer and Case of Mumtaz Qadri.
- Pak India border Firing.

What expected Next? if PML N is winner.
- Unexpected to implement basic necessary for people in the form of justice court system in Pakistan and in the public organizations. government school, hospital, police etc.

What expected Next? if PTI is winner.
- Till the slogan Change and new Pakistan, just the hope toward people of Pakistan. It may......... but people of Pakistan ....... is in waiting position.........Is PTI do better? or Just same keep continue old traditions.............

This is the facial reality behind actual reality.

# Non-Political Post

# My opinion

Today, Going for Election duty but I m seeing PTI, is winner of 'Election 2018 Game'.

# Future Prediction

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