HM TEST PREPARATION: Headmaster/Headmistress/Deputy Headmaster/Deputy Headmistress Exam Preparation

1. As a teacher, what will you do if students do not attend your class?

(A). Blame students for their absence from the class.

(B). Ponder over the present attitude of students in a calm manner.

(C). Think about using some interesting techniques of teaching.

(D). Try to understand the reasons and try to eliminate them.


2. There will be better communication in a lecture if a teacher

(A). reads from prepared notes

(B). prepares the notes well in advance and use them as a guide

(C). talks extempore

(D). talks extempore drawing examples from other disciplines


3. Teachers who are enthusiastic in be class-room teaching

(A). often lack proficiency in the subjects which stays hidden under their enthusiasm

(B). Simply dramatize to hold the student’s attention

(C). involve their students in the teaching-learning process

(D). all of the above


4. One can be a good teacher, if he/she

(A). has genuine interest in teaching

(B). knows how to control students

(C). knows his/her subject

(D). has good expression


5.The most important skill of teaching is

(A). making students understand what the teacher says

(B). covering the course prescribed in his subject

(C). keeping students relaxed while teaching

(D). taking classes regularly


6. Effective teaching, by and large, is a function of

(A). Maintaining discipline in the class

(B). Teachers honesty

(C). Teacher’s making students learn and understand

(D). Teachers liking for the Job of teaching


7. Success of a profession depends on—

(A) Policy to please individuals

(B) Maintaining relationship with people

(C) Maintaining quality of work

(D) Loyalty to the superiors

Ans. (C)

8. Main role of teacher is identified with a—

(A) Leader

(B) Planner

(C) Manager

(D) Motivator

Ans. (A)

9. Prior to teaching the teacher does—

(A) Identification of objectives

(B) Preparation of teaching lesson plan

(C) Know the interest of students

(D) All of the above

Ans. (D)

10. Effective teaching includes—

(A) Teacher is active but students may or may not be active

(B) Teacher may be active or inactive but students are active

(C) Teacher is active and students are active

(D) All of the above situations

Ans. (C)

11. Immediate outcome of teaching is—

(A) Changes in the behaviour of students in desirable direction

(B) Development of total personality of students

(C) Building characters of the students

(D) Getting selected for a suitable job

Ans. (A)

12. Basic requirement of teaching efficiency is—

(A) Mastery on teaching skills

(B) Mastery over use of different techniques of teaching

(C) Mastery over appropriate use of media and technology in teaching

(D) All of the above

Ans. (D)

13. Questioning skill in teaching is most useful in—

(A) Ensuring students’ active participation in learning

(B) Memorizing the facts by students

(C) Making students disciplined

(D) Preparing students for examination

Ans. (A)

14. A teacher wants to enhance his income. You will advise him/her to—

(A) Teach in coaching institutes during extra time

(B) Take more remunerative works in the school/college

(C) Join contractual assignments other than teaching

(D) Writing Books

Ans. (D)

15. As a principal you will encourage your teacher colleagues to—

(A) Participate in seminars and conferences in India and abroad

(B) Participate in refresher courses for enhancement of subject knowledge

(C) Doing community services for Upliftment of down trodden

(D) All of the above

Ans. (D)

16. A teacher shall inculcate social and moral values among students by—

(A) Delivering lectures on values

(B) Showing TV programmes

(C) Involving students actively in co curricular activities

(D) Observing Religious Festivals

Ans. (C)

17. The most significant approach of evaluation is—

(A) Continuous and comprehensive evaluation

(B) Conducting objective term end examination

(C) Maintaining cumulative records of students

(D) Semester system evaluation

Ans. (A)

18. Educational technology is useful because—

(A) it is the need of the hour

(B) it is adopted by famous institutions

(C) it makes teaching effective and efficient

(D) it attracts students towards teaching and learning activities

Ans. (C)

19. A teacher must have mastery over his subject for—

(A) alertness

(B) making impact on students

(C) interest

(D) making teaching effective

Ans. (D)

20. The term ‘kinder garden’ means—

(A) Children’s

(B) Children’s home

(C) Children’s school

(D) Children’s playground

Ans. (D)

21. The Kothari Commission Report on Education was entitled as—

(A) Education and National Development

(B) Learning ‘to be’

(C) Diversification of Education

(D) Education for all

Ans. (A)

22. The most appropriate meaning of learning is—

(A) Inculcation of knowledge

(B) Modification of behaviour

(C) Personal adjustment

(D) Acquisition of skills

Ans. (B)

23. Teachers knowledge on student’s needs and interests are covered by the subject—

(A) Philosophy of education

(B) Psychology of education

(C) Sociology of education

(D) Politics of education

Ans. (B)

24. Work experience in education means—

(A) Education for productivity with rural

(B) Working for a new social order

(C) Experience in industrial and technological world

(D) Education for orientation towards vocational courses

Ans. (D)

25. Integral education concept is propounded by—

(A) Sri Aurobindo

(B) Mahatma Gandhi

(C) Swami Dayanand

(D) Swami Vivekanand

Ans. (A)

1. Emotional Adjustment of
students is effective in-

(A) Personality formation
(B) Class-teaching
(C) Discipline
(D) All of the above


2. Black-board can be included in
which group/category of
teaching-aids ?

(A) Audio-aids
(B) Visual•aids
(C) Audio-visual aids
(D) None of the above


3. Which of the following is related
with teaching skill ?
(A) Black-board writing
(B) Solving questions
(C) Asking questions
(D) All the above


4. Students who ask questions in
the class should be-

(A) Advised to meet the
teacher after the class
(B) Encouraged to participate
in the discussion in the class
(C) Encouraged to continue
asking questions
(D) Encouraged to search
answers independently


5. At authoritarian level teaching

(A) Teacher centered
(B) Child—centered
(C) Headmaster centered
(D) Experience based


6. Who developed the interaction
analysis category system in
education for increasing the
teacher effectiveness 

(A) Flander
(B) Rayon
(C) Amidon and Simon
(D) Richard Over


7. One of the important theory of
moral development has been
proposed by——

(A) Laurence Kohlberg
(B) Erik Fromm
(C) Daniel Coleman
(D) Benjamin Bloom


8. Character is developed by-

(A) Will-power
(B) Conduct and behavior
(C) Morality
(D) All of the above


9. Which of the following is not a
level of teaching learning ?

(A) Differentiation level
(B) Memory level
(C) Reflective level
(D) Understanding level


10. NUEPA is mainly concerned

(A) Educational Supervision
(B) Educational Unity
(C) Educational Planning
(D) Educational Evaluation


11. The name of Yashpal Committee
Report (1993) is-

(A) l.C.T. in Teacher education
(B) Learning without Burden
(C) Learning through Broad-
(D) None of the above

12. The Father of Psychoanalysis

(A) Erik H. Erikson
(B) ]ean Piaget
(C) Jerorne S. Bruner
(D) Sigmund Freud


13. ln pedagogy computer is used-

(A) To motivate the learner
(B) To provide feedback
(C) To interact with the learner
(D) For all the above


14. Which of the following is die
brain of the computer ?

(A) Prograrnme
(B) Central processing unit
(C) Memory
(D) Hard Disc


15. Spare the rod —- spoil the child.
This assumption is related to
that type of discipline which has
been advocated-

(A) By naturalist philosophy
(B) By pragmatist philosophy
(C) In Victorian Era
(D) ln Democratic Era


16. The concept of school complex
was first executed in-

(A) Uttar Pradesh
(B) Madhya Pradesh
(C) Bihar
(D) Rajasthan


17. The proponent of the Cognitive
Theory of teaching is-

(A) N. L. Gage
(B) Shiv Kumar Mitra
(C) B. F. Skiner
(D) McDonald


18, Instruction medium affects the
absence and escape from class

(A) Agreed
(B) Indefinite
(C) Disagreed
(D) None of the above


19, The determinant of teaching
skill training is-

(A) Components
(B) Pupil-teacher
(C) Supervisor
(D) Headmaster


20. For a good communication
..,…… is requried.

(A) Clarity of thought
(B) Dramatic Presentation
(C) Speaking in a mild tone
(D) Speaking without pause


21. Which of the following is an
approach to educational planning ? .

(A) Man-power approach
(B) Social Demand approach
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) None of the above


22. Institutional planning should be
based on-

(A) Aim and needs
(B) Time—table
(C) Administration
(D) Need


23. Teacher behaviour ought to

(A) Administrative
(B) Instructive
(C) Idealistic
(D) Directive


24. Information highway or net is-

(A) Computer
(B) Intemet
(C) Intranet
(D) Key-board


25. INSAT—1(B) has been launched

(A) 30 April, 1983
(B) 30 August, 1983
(C) 30 December, 1983
(D) 30 January, 1984


26. The number of representatives
of Central Government in UGC

(A) 09 (B) 02
(C) 06 (D) O3


27. Computer language is based
(A) Number system
(B) Symbol system
(C) Series system
(D) None of the above


28. The main task of educational
computer is-

(A) Scoring the answers
(B) Preserve the information
(C) Analysis of data
(D) All of the above


29. UNESCO satellite directed television program was used first

(A) 1926 (B) 1959
(C) 1961 (D) 1965


30. In which of the following
instructional procedure is the
main component ?

(A) Synectics teaching model
(B) Basic teaching model
(C) Inductive model
(D) Social-stimulation


31. The computer based teaching
model has been developed by-

(A) Gilbert (1962)
(B) Stolurow and Davis (1965)
(C) Robert Gagne (1965)
(D) Mecner (1965)


32. Which of the following expectation students have from group
learning ?

(A) To get appreciation from
the group
(B) To distribute the work
(C) To ignore individual view
(D) To attract isolated student
towards the group


33. In order to modify the undesirable behavior of a student the
most effective method is-

(A) To punish the student
(B) To bring it to the notice of
(C) To find out the reasons for
the undesirable behaviour and
provide remedies
(D) To ignore it


34. In which university the micro-
teaching system started in 1961 ?

(A) Stanford University
(B) Oxford University
(C) Delhi University
(D) M. S. University Baroda


35. The correct meaning of C.A.I.

(A) Characteristics of Assistant
(B) Computer Assisted Instruction
(C) Community Assisted
(D) None of the above


36. “Man is born free but every-
where he is in chains/’ This
statement has been given by-

(A) Abraham Maslow
(B) Jean Jacques Rousseau
(C) John Dewey
(D) W. I-I. Kilpatrick


37. Written communication strategy

(A) Algorithms
(B) Decision Table
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) None of the above


38. Main responsibility of School
Management lies on-

(A) Principal
(B) Teachers
(C) Manager
(D) All of the above


39, Major objective of School Discipline is-

(A) To ensure safety of staff
and students
(B) To create an environment
conducive for teaching
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) None of the above


40. At primary level teacher-taught
ratio was 1 : 39-

(A) According to sixth
educational survey of all India
(B) According to fifth
educational survey of all India
(C) According to fourth
educational survey of all India
(D) According to second
educational survey of all India


41. A fault in a computer programme which prevents it from
working correctly is known as-

(A) Bug (B) Error
(C) Boo~Boo (D) Virus


42, Practical knowledge of language
is learnt at—

(A) School
(B) Language laboratory
(C) Language teaching
(D) Language instruction


43. Dropping out from school

(A) To come to school casually
(B) To leave the school forever
(C) To play truant from class
(D) None of the above


44. Which one of the following is
not a principle of a good time
table ?

(A) Flexibility
(B) Ruthless master
(C) Variety
(D) Coordination of efforts


45. The reason of absence and
escape from school is—

(A) Lack of interest in syllabus
(B) Poor method of teaching
(C) Ineffective teacher
(D) All the above


46. Ministry of Human Resource
Development was established

(A) Oct. 26, 1985
(B) Sept. 16, 1985
(C) Sept. 26, 1985
(D) Sept. 10, 1986


47. The scope of Decision-Making

(A) Management
(B) Organization
(C) Administration
(D) Supervision


48. Factor of personality is—

(A) Ductless glands
(B) Family background
(C) School
(D) All the above


50, Which of the following aspects
is discussed in a Teacher’s
Diary ?

(A) Class Time Table
(B) Teaching Content
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) None of the above


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