Daily 20 MCQs | Curriculum Development MCQ's: 04/07/2018

First solve yourself and then find Solved below
Solve yourself
1.       The importance of curriculum in the system of education is just like a:
a.       Constitution in a country
b.      Provision of latest knowledge
c.       Preparation of students for service
d.      None of the above
2.       Curriculum is supposed to:
a.       Achieve the objectives
b.      Be organized by the school
c.       Both a & b
d.      None of a & b
3.       Curriculum reflects the culture of
a.       Society
b.      Home
c.       School
d.      Area
4.       Curriculum is interpreted to mean all the organized courses, activities and experiences which students have under the directions of the school, whether in the classroom or not, is said by:
a.       Stephen Romine
b.      Hilda Taba
c.       John Dewey
d.      H. Rugg
5.       Learning means
a.       Change in behaviour
b.      Teaching process
c.       Curriculum change
d.      None of the these
6.       The outline of the content is:
a.       Course
b.      Syllabus
c.       Programme
d.      All above
7.       Component of curriculum is:
a.       Evaluation
b.      Objectives
c.       Teaching strategies
d.      All of the above
8.       The selection of the particular design is influenced by:
a.       Types
b.      Elements
c.       Foundations
d.      Principle
9.       Models of curriculum presently being used at any stage in Pakistan is:
a.       Activity
b.      Subject
c.       Integrated
d.      All of above
10.   The committee responsible to finalize the curriculum up to secondary level in Pakistan is:
a.       National Curriculum Committee
b.      Teachers Curriculum Committee
c.       Text Curriculum Committee
d.      None of these
11.   The model of curriculum could not move above elementary stage is?
a.       Core Curriculum
b.      Activity Curriculum
c.       Subject curriculum
d.      None
12.   Detail contents of the subjects for a class are called?
a.       Course
b.      Behavior
c.       Design
d.      Logical sequence
13.   A curriculum is the sum total of a school efforts to influence a child?
a.       Course
b.      Behavior
c.       Design
d.      Logical sequence
14.   Percentage of knowledge gained through observation is ?
a.       75%
b.      50%
c.       34%
d.      None
15.   The base on which the subject activities and experience are planned is called?
a.       Course
b.      Behavior
c.       Design
d.      Logical sequence
16.   Keeping in view the types of students in a class are generally grouped as?
a.       Average
b.      Below average
c.       Above average
d.      All
17.   Logical order of content organization is to arrange the content according to?
a.       Course
b.      Behavior
c.       Design
d.      Logical sequence
18.   Summative evaluation takes place?
a.       In the beginning
b.      At the end
c.       In the middle
d.      None
19.   Without suitable curriculum, aims of education
a.       Can be achieved
b.      Cannot be achieved
c.       Can be changed
d.      None
20.   How many basic components of curriculum have?
a.       2
b.      4
c.       6
d.      8

Solved Above Questions
1.       The importance of curriculum in the system of education is just like a:
a.       Constitution in a country
b.      Provision of latest knowledge
c.       Preparation of students for service
d.      None of the above
2.       Curriculum is supposed to:
a.       Achieve the objectives
b.      Be organized by the school
c.       Both a & b
d.      None of a & b
3.       Curriculum reflects the culture of
a.       Society
b.      Home
c.       School
d.      Area
4.       Curriculum is interpreted to mean all the organized courses, activities and experiences which students have under the directions of the school, whether in the classroom or not, is said by:
a.       Stephen Romine
b.      Hilda Taba
c.       John Dewey
d.      H. Rugg
5.       Learning means
a.       Change in behaviour
b.      Teaching process
c.       Curriculum change
d.      None of the these
6.       The outline of the content is:
a.       Course
b.      Syllabus
c.       Programme
d.      All above
7.       Component of curriculum is:
a.       Evaluation
b.      Objectives
c.       Teaching strategies
d.      All of the above
8.       The selection of the particular design is influenced by:
a.       Types
b.      Elements
c.       Foundations
d.      Principle
9.       Models of curriculum presently being used at any stage in Pakistan is:
a.       Activity
b.      Subject
c.       Integrated
d.      All of above
10.   The committee responsible to finalize the curriculum up to secondary level in Pakistan is:
a.       National Curriculum Committee
b.      Teachers Curriculum Committee
c.       Text Curriculum Committee
d.      None of these
11.   The model of curriculum could not move above elementary stage is?
a.       Core Curriculum
b.      Activity Curriculum
c.       Subject curriculum
d.      None
12.   Detail contents of the subjects for a class are called?
a.       Course
b.      Behavior
c.       Design
d.      Logical sequence
13.   A curriculum is the sum total of a school efforts to influence a child?
a.       Course
b.      Behavior
c.       Design
d.      Logical sequence
14.   Percentage of knowledge gained through observation is ?
a.       75%
b.      50%
c.       34%
d.      None
15.   The base on which the subject activities and experience are planned is called?
a.       Course
b.      Behavior
c.       Design
d.      Logical sequence
16.   Keeping in view the types of students in a class are generally grouped as?
a.       Average
b.      Below average
c.       Above average
d.      All
17.   Logical order of content organization is to arrange the content according to?
a.       Course
b.      Behavior
c.       Design
d.      Logical sequence
18.   Summative evaluation takes place?
a.       In the beginning
b.      At the end
c.       In the middle
d.      None
19.   Without suitable curriculum, aims of education
a.       Can be achieved
b.      Cannot be achieved
c.       Can be changed
d.      None
20.   How many basic components of curriculum have?
a.       2
b.      4
c.       6
d.      8


  1. I m doing M.A education..this is very helpful thnx dear.its my double M.A
    Before this I got the degree of BS Hons in English literature..


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