Daily 20 MCQs | Curriculum Development MCQ's: 03/07/2018

First solve yourself and then find Solved below
Solve yourself
1.       To select subject matter, one should consider student?
a.       Curriculum evaluation
b.      Objectives
c.       I.Q
d.      Educational Institution
2.       The implementer for curriculum is?
a.       Curriculum evaluation
b.      Objectives
c.       I.Q
d.      Educational Institution
3.       The source of achieving on objectives is?
a.       Curriculum evaluation
b.      Objectives
c.       I.Q
d.      Educational Institution
4.       The method used to evaluate the curriculum is?
a.       Formative Evaluation
b.      Summative Evaluation
c.       Diagnostic Evaluation
d.      All Above
5.       Curriculum is:
a.       Course
b.      Syllabus
c.       Co-curricular activities
d.      Overall activities of an institution
6.       Important factor of curriculum is to help to achieve the:
a.       Objectives
b.      Job
c.       Education
d.      Values
7.       Responsible for the curriculum planning and development in Pakistan is:
a.       Curriculum wing
b.      Text book boards
c.       Secondary board
d.      All of these
8.       Mini Culture is:
a.       Home
b.      Content
c.       Curriculum
d.      Classroom
9.       Which domain of objectives is not being evaluated through examination:
a.       Cognitive
b.      Affective
c.       Psychomotor
d.      None of these
10.   Which of the following is the nature of curriculum:
a.       Conservative
b.      Critical
c.       Creative
d.      All of above
11.   Curriculum provides guidance for:
a.       School
b.      Parents
c.       Teacher
d.      Students
12.   Psychological foundation play its role in the development of curriculum keeping in view the:
a.       Student’s interest
b.      Student’s needs
c.       Student’s capabilities
d.      All of these
13.   Syllabus is a part of:
a.       Society
b.      Classroom
c.       Curriculum
d.      Activities
14.   Benefits of A.V Aids are that they:
a.       Create interest
b.      Reduce Verbalization
c.       Stimulate self activity
d.      All of the above
15.   Curriculum presents instructional material is stated by:
a.       Wheller
b.      Jack kerr
c.       Smith
d.      Elizhath Maccis
16.   S Relationship of subjects at different level is called:
a.       Centralization
b.      De-centralization
c.       Horizontal Organization
d.      Vertical Organization
17.   An outline of the topics of a subject to the covered in specific time is called:
a.       Curriculum
b.      Course
c.       Progamme
d.      Syllabus
18.   Curriculum organization used for different concepts at the same class is:
a.       Vertical
b.      Horizontal
c.       Logical
d.      None of the above
19.   The category of Audio Visual Aids is:
a.       Radio
b.      Television
c.       Tape-recorder
d.      All of these
20.   Major concern of curriculum is:
a.       Personal satisfaction
b.      Change in individuals, behaviour
c.       Preparation for service
d.      None of the above

Solved Above Questions
1.       To select subject matter, one should consider student?
a.       Curriculum evaluation
b.      Objectives
c.       I.Q
d.      Educational Institution
2.       The implementer for curriculum is?
a.       Curriculum evaluation
b.      Objectives
c.       I.Q
d.      Educational Institution
3.       The source of achieving on objectives is?
a.       Curriculum evaluation
b.      Objectives
c.       I.Q
d.      Educational Institution
4.       The method used to evaluate the curriculum is?
a.       Formative Evaluation
b.      Summative Evaluation
c.       Diagnostic Evaluation
d.      All Above
5.       Curriculum is:
a.       Course
b.      Syllabus
c.       Co-curricular activities
d.      Overall activities of an institution
6.       Important factor of curriculum is to help to achieve the:
a.       Objectives
b.      Job
c.       Education
d.      Values
7.       Responsible for the curriculum planning and development in Pakistan is:
a.       Curriculum wing
b.      Text book boards
c.       Secondary board
d.      All of these
8.       Mini Culture is:
a.       Home
b.      Content
c.       Curriculum
d.      Classroom
9.       Which domain of objectives is not being evaluated through examination:
a.       Cognitive
b.      Affective
c.       Psychomotor
d.      None of these
10.   Which of the following is the nature of curriculum:
a.       Conservative
b.      Critical
c.       Creative
d.      All of above
11.   Curriculum provides guidance for:
a.       School
b.      Parents
c.       Teacher
d.      Students
12.   Psychological foundation play its role in the development of curriculum keeping in view the:
a.       Student’s interest
b.      Student’s needs
c.       Student’s capabilities
d.      All of these
13.   Syllabus is a part of:
a.       Society
b.      Classroom
c.       Curriculum
d.      Activities
14.   Benefits of A.V Aids are that they:
a.       Create interest
b.      Reduce Verbalization
c.       Stimulate self activity
d.      All of the above
15.   Curriculum presents instructional material is stated by:
a.       Wheller
b.      Jack kerr
c.       Smith
d.      Elizhath Maccis
16.   S Relationship of subjects at different level is called:
a.       Centralization
b.      De-centralization
c.       Horizontal Organization
d.      Vertical Organization
17.   An outline of the topics of a subject to the covered in specific time is called:
a.       Curriculum
b.      Course
c.       Progamme
d.      Syllabus
18.   Curriculum organization used for different concepts at the same class is:
a.       Vertical
b.      Horizontal
c.       Logical
d.      None of the above
19.   The category of Audio Visual Aids is:
a.       Radio
b.      Television
c.       Tape-recorder
d.      All of these
20.   Major concern of curriculum is:
a.       Personal satisfaction
b.      Change in individuals, behaviour
c.       Preparation for service
d.      None of the above

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