Daily 10 question HeadMaster/ HeadMistress Test Preparation - 28/06/2018

1.       What is Curriculum?
a.       Overall activities of an institution
b.      Objectivity
c.       Classroom
d.      Affective
2.       Important factor of curriculum is to help to achieve the?
a.       Objectivity
b.      Classroom
c.       Affective
d.      Students
3.       Responsible for the Curriculum planning and development in Pakistan is ?
a.       Objectivity
b.      Curriculum Wing
c.       Affective
d.      Students
4.       Which of the following is the nature of Curriculum?
a.       Conservative
b.      Critical
c.       Creative
d.      All of these
5.       Curriculum provides guidance for?
a.       Student
b.      School
c.       Parents
d.      Teacher
6.       Which domain of objectives is not being evaluated through our present system of examination?
a.       Objectivity
b.      Classroom
c.       Affective
d.      Students
7.       Syllabus is a part of?
a.       Student
b.      School
c.       Parents
d.      Curriculum
8.       Benefits A.V Aids are that they?
a.       Create interest
b.      Reduce verbatization
c.       Stimulate self activity
d.      All of above
9.       Curriculum presents instructional material is stated by:
a.       Smith
b.      Wheller
c.       Jack Kerr
d.      None
10.   Relationship of subjects at different level is called?
a.       Centralization
b.      De-centralization
c.       Horizontal organization

d.      Vertical organization