Daily 10 question HeadMaster/ HeadMistress Test Preparation - 25/06/2018

First solve yourself and then find solved below:
Solve yourself:
1.       Immediate outcomes of classroom instruction are called:
a.       Aims
b.      Objectives
c.       Goals
d.      Targets
2.       Changing agent in our education system is:
a.       Teacher
b.      Parents
c.       Society
d.      Researcher
3.       Major guiding principle for curriculum development is:
a.       Pattern
b.      Model
c.       Design
d.      Hypothesis
4.       In Pakistan, teachers are generally trained about new changes in though:
a.       Curriculum wing, Ministry of education
b.      DSD
c.       PEAS
d.      NEAS
5.       A continuous process of human development which never comes to an end is:
a.       Assessment
b.      Monitoring
c.       Learning
d.      Instruction
6.       Try out of curriculum development reflects the procedure of:
a.       Analytical
b.      Judgemental
c.       Consensual
d.      Experimental
7.       Traditionally curriculum means:
a.       A of topics for teaching
b.      Reading material for teachers
c.       Textual material for teachers
d.      Teacher’s diary in the school
8.       Strict discipline of education is followed in:
a.       Formal education
b.      Non-formal education
c.       Informal education
d.      Inclusive education
9.       Curriculum means:
a.       Child planned experiences
b.      School heads
c.       Text Book reading
d.      Knowledge explosion
10.   Guidance to the children is primarily the chief function of:
a.       School teachers
b.      School heads
c.       College Principals
d.      University teachers


1.       Immediate outcomes of classroom instruction are called:
a.       Aims
b.      Objectives
c.       Goals
d.      Targets
2.       Changing agent in our education system is:
a.       Teacher
b.      Parents
c.       Society
d.      Researcher
3.       Major guiding principle for curriculum development is:
a.       Pattern
b.      Model
c.       Design
d.      Hypothesis
4.       In Pakistan, teachers are generally trained about new changes in though:
a.       Curriculum wing, Ministry of education
b.      DSD
c.       PEAS
d.      NEAS
5.       A continuous process of human development which never comes to an end is:
a.       Assessment
b.      Monitoring
c.       Learning
d.      Instruction
6.       Try out of curriculum development reflects the procedure of:
a.       Analytical
b.      Judgemental
c.       Consensual
d.      Experimental
7.       Traditionally curriculum means:
a.       A of topics for teaching
b.      Reading material for teachers
c.       Textual material for teachers
d.      Teacher’s diary in the school
8.       Strict discipline of education is followed in:
a.       Formal education
b.      Non-formal education
c.       Informal education
d.      Inclusive education
9.       Curriculum means:
a.       Child planned experiences
b.      School heads
c.       Text Book reading
d.      Knowledge explosion
10.   Guidance to the children is primarily the chief function of:
a.       School teachers
b.      School heads
c.       College Principals
d.      University teachers