Daily 10 question HeadMaster/ HeadMistress Test Preparation - 19/06/2018

First Solve yourself and then find solved below:-

1.       One purpose of evaluation is to maintain an awareness of the continous relationship which exists between educational objectives and:
a.       Educational achievement
b.      Educational motivations
c.       Education results
d.      Education differences
2.       Thoughts and ideas of the individual are termed as:
a.       Attitudes
b.      Individual differences
c.       Learning
d.      Motives
3.       Main distinction lies in the emphasis today oon planning with people rather than planning:
a.       Without people
b.      Independently
c.       Without facts
d.      About people
4.       The very first teacher of a child is:
a.       Mother
b.      Friend
c.       Peer group
d.      Relatives
5.       Establishing DPI office was proposed pre-partition by:
a.       Lord Macauley
b.      Lord Hunting
c.       Wood
d.      Hunter
6.       Which of the following was the significant aim of Educational Conference 1947:
a.       Attention towards adult education
b.      Preparation for the changing needs
c.       Development of the emotions of sacrifice and service
d.      Modification of education system in line with the culture
7.       Prior planning is not possible in:
a.       Activity centered curriculum
b.      Decrease in number of books
c.       Integrated curriculum
d.      Horizontal organization
8.       The philosopher who gave the idea that education should be based on the principles of human development was?
a.       Dewey
b.      Watson
c.       Rousseau
d.      Thomdike
9.       Which medium of instruction is prescribed at primary level in Pakistan?
a.       Provincial Language/ Urdu
b.      Urdu only
c.       English only
d.      None of these
10.   SOLO taxonomy consists of levels:
a.       2
b.      3
c.       4

d.      5


1.       One purpose of evaluation is to maintain an awareness of the continuous relationship which exists between educational objectives and:
a.       Educational achievement
b.      Educational motivations
c.       Education results
d.      Education differences
2.       Thoughts and ideas of the individual are termed as:
a.       Attitudes
b.      Individual differences
c.       Learning
d.      Motives
3.       Main distinction lies in the emphasis today on planning with people rather than planning:
a.       Without people
b.      Independently
c.       Without facts
d.      About people
4.       The very first teacher of a child is:
a.       Mother
b.      Friend
c.       Peer group
d.      Relatives
5.       Establishing DPI office was proposed pre-partition by:
a.       Lord Macauley
b.      Lord Hunting
c.       Wood
d.      Hunter
6.       Which of the following was the significant aim of Educational Conference 1947:
a.       Attention towards adult education
b.      Preparation for the changing needs
c.       Development of the emotions of sacrifice and service
d.      Modification of education system in line with the culture
7.       Prior planning is not possible in:
a.       Activity centered curriculum
b.      Decrease in number of books
c.       Integrated curriculum
d.      Horizontal organization
8.       The philosopher who gave the idea that education should be based on the principles of human development was?
a.       Dewey
b.      Watson
c.       Rousseau
d.      Thomdike
9.       Which medium of instruction is prescribed at primary level in Pakistan?
a.       Provincial Language/ Urdu
b.      Urdu only
c.       English only
d.      None of these
10.   SOLO taxonomy consists of levels:
a.       2
b.      3
c.       4

d.      5