Daily 10 question HeadMaster/ HeadMistress Test Preparation - 18/06/2018

First Solve yourself and then find solved below:-


1.       Now exceptional children:
a.       Can be schooled with the normal children
b.      Cannot be schooled with the normal children
c.       Are not found in colleges
d.      Family are not responsible
2.       Who said, “Education is the activity of integrated and gradual development of individual’s abilities”
a.       Pestallozzi
b.      J.S. Mill
c.       Aristotle
d.      Socrates
3.       The philosopher stated that “Education is the activity of enabling an individual to recognize God and discriminate between good and evil” was:
a.       Ibn-Khaldun
b.      Ghazali
c.       Allama Iqbal
d.      Shah Wali Ullah
4.       The type of education refers to the learning generated from the social experiences and observations of an individual is:
a.       Formal
b.      Informal
c.       Non-formal
d.      None of these
5.       The quality of schools educaiotn is exclusively depending upon:
a.       Infrastructural facilities
b.      Financial provisions
c.       International support
d.      The quality of teacher education
6.       The most important indicator of quality of education in a school is:
a.       Good school discipline
b.      Teaching facilities
c.       Textbooks and teaching- learning material
d.      Student achievement level
7.       University Grants commision in our education was established in Islamabad?
a.       1968
b.      1972
c.       1974
d.      1973
8.       The chief source for the accomplishment of the aims of education is:
a.       Teacher
b.      Curriculum
c.       Method of teaching
d.      Evaluation
9.       Of the following, who is a humanistic psychologist?
a.       Sigmund Freud
b.      Maslow
c.       B.F. Skinner
d.      John Watson
10.   There is close association between learning process and:
a.       Learning psychology
b.      Learning environment
c.       School System

d.      Teacher


1.       Now exceptional children:
a.       Can be schooled with the normal children
b.      Cannot be schooled with the normal children
c.       Are not found in colleges
d.      Family are not responsible
2.       Who said, “Education is the activity of integrated and gradual development of individual’s abilities”
a.       Pestallozzi
b.      J.S. Mill
c.       Aristotle
d.      Socrates
3.       The philosopher stated that “Education is the activity of enabling an individual to recognize God and discriminate between good and evil” was:
a.       Ibn-Khaldun
b.      Ghazali
c.       Allama Iqbal
d.      Shah Wali Ullah
4.       The type of education refers to the learning generated from the social experiences and observations of an individual is:
a.       Formal
b.      Informal
c.       Non-formal
d.      None of these
5.       The quality of schools education is exclusively depending upon:
a.       Infrastructural facilities
b.      Financial provisions
c.       International support
d.      The quality of teacher education
6.       The most important indicator of quality of education in a school is:
a.       Good school discipline
b.      Teaching facilities
c.       Textbooks and teaching- learning material
d.      Student achievement level
7.       University Grants commision in our education was established in Islamabad?
a.       1968
b.      1972
c.       1974
d.      1973
8.       The chief source for the accomplishment of the aims of education is:
a.       Teacher
b.      Curriculum
c.       Method of teaching
d.      Evaluation
9.       Of the following, who is a humanistic psychologist?
a.       Sigmund Freud
b.      Maslow
c.       B.F. Skinner
d.      John Watson
10.   There is close association between learning process and:
a.       Learning psychology
b.      Learning environment
c.       School System
d.      Teacher