Daily 10 question HeadMaster/ HeadMistress Test Preparation - 09/06/2018

First Solve yourself and then find solved below:-


1.       Elements of admisitration accordiing to Luther Gulick are explained as:
a.       POSTCORB
b.      POSDCORB
c.       POSKBORB
d.      POSTCORD
2.       Curriculum change is followed by:
a.       Student’s poor results
b.      Selection of content
c.       Try out proposed content
d.      Curriculum evaluation
3.       One component of the curriculum is not:
a.       Design
b.      Evaluation
c.       Content
d.      Teaching strategies
4.       Hilda Taba believes the curriculum should be designed by:
a.       Students
b.      Teacher’s
c.       Parents
d.      Curriculum Specialist
5.       Immediate outcomes of classroom instruction are related to:
a.       Aims
b.      Objectives
c.       Goals
d.      Targets
6.       Ideological basis of curriculum development can be derived from foundation of:
a.       Sociological
b.      Psychological
c.       Philosophical
d.      Economic
7.       At the end of a cource which type of assessment is used:
a.       Formative
b.      Summative
c.       Placement
d.      Diagonostic
8.       Limitation of multiple choice test time is:
a.       Lock of objectivity
b.      Limited measurement of achievement
c.       Difficulty in scoring
d.      Lack of chance of expression
9.       Focusing islamization of knowledge and national ideology was in the policy of:
a.       1956
b.      1973
c.       1979
d.      1998
10.   Best leadership ignores:
a.       Inspiring a shared vision
b.      Search for opportunities, experiments and take risks
c.       Forcing collaboration
d.      Envisioning the  future


1.       Elements of admisitration accordiing to Luther Gulick are explained as:
a.       POSTCORB
b.      POSDCORB
c.       POSKBORB
d.      POSTCORD
2.       Curriculum change is followed by:
a.       Student’s poor results
b.      Selection of content
c.       Try out proposed content
d.      Curriculum evaluation
3.       One component of the curriculum is not:
a.       Design
b.      Evaluation
c.       Content
d.      Teaching strategies
4.       Hilda Taba believes the curriculum should be designed by:
a.       Students
b.      Teacher’s
c.       Parents
d.      Curriculum Specialist
5.       Immediate outcomes of classroom instruction are related to:
a.       Aims
b.      Objectives
c.       Goals
d.      Targets
6.       Ideological basis of curriculum development can be derived from foundation of:
a.       Sociological
b.      Psychological
c.       Philosophical
d.      Economic
7.       At the end of a cource which type of assessment is used:
a.       Formative
b.      Summative
c.       Placement
d.      Diagonostic
8.       Limitation of multiple choice test time is:
a.       Lock of objectivity
b.      Limited measurement of achievement
c.       Difficulty in scoring
d.      Lack of chance of expression
9.       Focusing islamization of knowledge and national ideology was in the policy of:
a.       1956
b.      1973
c.       1979
d.      1998
10.   Best leadership ignores:
a.       Inspiring a shared vision
b.      Search for opportunities, experiments and take risks
c.       Forcing collaboration
d.      Envisioning the  future