KP FATA MERGER: Important General Knowledge to Know


the National Assembly on *24-May-2018* approved the *31st Amendment Bill 2017* paving way for the merger of Federally Administered Tribal Areas (Fata) with the province of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (K-P).

A total of *229 parliamentarians* voted for the bill while *one opposed it.*

The draft bill seeks to amend how many Articles in the Constitution of Pakistan ? *Seven Articles*

The draft pursues changes in *Article 59* which deals with ? *Senate*

by reducing the number of Senate members from 104 to ? *96* .

The bill proposes amending *clause 1 of Article 51* by reducing the number of seats in the National Assembly from ? *342 to 326.*

Furthermore, it seeks omission of the word “Federally Administered Tribal Areas” from its sub-clauses (b) and (f) of *Article 272* which defines ? *the constitution of Senate.*

The territory of Fata is defined in which Article of the Constitution of Pakistan ? *Article 246*

Then there is revision in *Article 106* which provides for the provincial assemblies.

Currently, the K-P assembly comprises how many general members ? *99*

After Fata’s merger, this composition will change to  How many general seats *115*

Currently, the K-P assembly comprises how many women members? *22*

After Fata’s merger, this composition will change to  How many women seats ? *26*

Currently, the K-P assembly comprises how many minority members ? *Three*

After Fata’s merger, this composition will change to  How many Minority seats *4*

Hence the total strength of the House of KPK will increase from 124 to ? *145*

Which session of the Parliament was attended by Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi and Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chief Imran Khan ?

 *56th session 24 May 2018*

Who Presented The bill for FATA KP Merger *Law Minister Chaudhry Mahmood Bashir Virk.*

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