Mid Term Exam Past and Current Papers Questions MSCS VU by Muhammad Sadaqat Ali

Today CS703 paper ...............
mcqs 10 marks
Thread un-safe functions 5 marks
code about fork , explaination 5 marks
waiting time calculation 5 marks
turnaround time calculation 10 marks

CS707 mid term paper 3-06-2016
Q.1. difference between private and secret key?
Q.2. About CBC?
Q.3. List and describe uses of public key cryptosystem?

CS 707 Mid Paper
Q.1. difference between private and secret key?
Q. 2. What is MAC. what properties must hash function hv to implement for MAC.
Q. 3. In the context of hash function. what is compression function.
Q. 4. What is one way function? how to implement in context of cryptography. 10 marks

My Cs707 today's paper
Q.1 Which are the five basic services provided by the cryptosystem? Give a brief overview of each?
Q.2 Suppose you are using Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem for encryption process. Give arguments about this.
Q.3 Difference Between PKI and Primary key Cryptography.
Q.4 What is one way function? How one way function implemented in context of cryptography?

My paper 703 today at 12:00 pm
1. There are two main types of scheduling algorithms, one is preemptive algorithms and second one is non-preemptive algorithms. There are number of algorithms given below and you need to categorize them as preemptive and non-preemptive scheduling algorithms.
First Come First Serve
Shortest Job first
Priority Scheduling
Shortest Remaining Job first
Fixed priority preemptive scheduling 
Round-robin scheduling 
Multilevel queue scheduling
2. You have to apply Round Robin scheduling algorithm on the following given processes having Quantum 20 time units and calculate the turnaround time against each process.
Processes Burst Time
P1 52
P2 16
P3 68
P4 25
3. Describe a mechanism by which one segment could belong to the address space of two different 
4. Do u feel that high level synchronization constructs have some advantages over just using wait and signal operations while implementing semaphores? Give reasons to support ur answer 
Baqi 10 Mcqs te

712 DDBS my today paper is
Q1. The language/compiler perform the transparency role in DDMS
Q2. what is the purpose of entity and referential integrity.
How can we verify the properties of completeness and reconstruction of a vertical fragmentation?(5
Consider the relation Faculty (facId, facName, dept, salary, rank)
Three applications access the relation through following three queries respectively:
q1: SELECT facId, facName, rank FROM Faculty WHERE facId = VALUE
q2: SELECT rank, salary FROM Faculty WHERE rank = VALUE
q3: SELECT facId, facName FROM Faculty WHERE dept = VALUE
Application access frequency matrix for the three sites =
Assume ref l (qk) = 1 for all qk and Sl. Determine attribute affinity matrix for the above relation.(10 marks)

My paper cs724 02-06-12016
Q1: explain W and A process models 5 marks
Q2: What is KPA process definition of CMMI? 5 marks
Q3: What is project tracking and oversight of CMM 5 marks
Q4: Explain KPA organizational training 10 Marks

The mention example diagram for multilevel feedback queue scheduling is given below:
Quantum = 8
Quantum = 16
Let us consider: Process P1 time period is 18 and Process P2 time period is 27. Answer the following questions:
1. Which process will complete its execution in 2nd queues?
2. How each process will move across different queues i.e.
3. How each process will enter into the system and how each process will move up and down between different queues?
kindly is ka answer bttay????????????????????????????????????????

Q1: Consider the following operations of the stack class through linked list:
Assume that this stack class has a size data member. What are the pre- and post-conditions for isEmpty() method.
Q2: Using the assignment axiom, determine pre-condition for following pair of statement and post condition. Simplify the pre-condition you obtain:
statement Post-condition
x:=x+1 x+y<10

1.Do you think that user manual developement and model validation is beneficial for validation? Expain.
2.what is better, error removal or prevention and how? How JAD and QFD is beneficial?
3. Changes in the requirements are bad? What are their negative impacts. How they be managed?

CS-709 MIdterm paper (30-05-2016)
Q1 - wp((x:= x+1; y := y+1), x = y) - 5 marks
Q2 - p!=q=p=r - (logically equivalent) - 5 marks
Q3 - pre and post conditions of stack class peek() (its function given as an example) - 5 marks
Q4 - pre and post conditions of giving functions hashTable() and hashFunction() - 30 marks
My paper of CS704 at 10:30AM on 31st May 2016.
Q # 1: compare computer A and B.............. 5M
Q # 2: We have a single stage, non-pipelined machine and a pipelined machine with 5 pipeline stages. The cycle time of the former is 5 ns and the latter is 1ns.
a. Assuming no stalls, what is the speedup of the pipelined machine over the single stage machine? 5M
Q # 3: Write the advantages of Yumasulos' algorithm over 5M
Q:4 We have a program core consisting of five conditional branches. The program core will be executed thousands of times. Below are the outcomes of each branch for one execution of the program core (T for taken, N for not taken). 15M
Branch 1: T-T-T
Branch 2: N-N-N-N
Branch 3: T-N-T-N-T-N
Branch 4: T-T-T-N-T
Branch 5: T-T-N-T-T-N-T
Assume the behavior of each branch remains the same for each program core execution. For dynamic schemes, assume each branch has its own prediction buffer and each buffer initialized to the same state before each execution. List the predictions for the following branch prediction schemes:
a. Always taken
b. 1-bit predictor 
And also write down the prediction accuracies for each branch prediction scheme.

QUESTION NO.2(5 Marks)
Show that if A is Turing-recognizable and A ≤m , then A is decidable.
QUESTION NO.3(10 Marks)
Let B be the set of all infinite sequences over {0,1}. Show that B is uncountable, using a proof by diagonalization.
QUESTION NO.4(10 Marks)
Let LALL = {<M> | M is a TM with input alphabet ∑ and L(M) = ∑* }. Prove that LALL is not co-Turing-recognizable
koi bata sakta hay ye queston kis lecture main say hain. ya koi en ka answar bata sakta hay

Cs702 paper Date...30-5-2016
Q1) Write down the Brute Force Chain Matrix Multiplication Algorithm and its complexity (5 marks)
Q2) Prove that n^2 belongs to O(n^2) (5 marks)
Q3) Write a pseudo Code of algorithmof finding closest pair in 2-D using divide and conquer approach. (10 marks)
Q4) Solve the rwcurrence using substitution method 
T(n)=T(n-1)+c (10 marks)

CS701 today's paper at 7.30am
*Set of all odd integers has one to one correapondence with a even integers.
*PCP ka domino wla question tha aik.
*Infinite sequene over {a,b}. Proof its uncountable by diagnolization.
*last logical wly topic sy statement thi proof krna tha true hy ya nh

Mine 718 paper
How locate nearest co-channel in GSM
GSM specifications
GSM services for normal and emergency calling 10mrk
GMS k systems me 3 systems btane thy aur in k function

Show that all positive numbers has one-to-one correspondence to real numbers. (5)
3) SPCP (Top string in pair has same length at bottom)
agar kisi k pas in Questions k answer h kindly yaha pe post kar de answer

my paper of cs 703.............. 10MCQs...... Q11. how long term schedular helps the CPU. write any three ways (10 marks).............
Q12. calculate avg waiting time of 4 processes their arrival is in order p1,p2,p4,p3.. using FCFS. burst time.... p1=4. p2=2, p3=4, p4=3(5 marks).............Q13. Explain fowwing code pid_fork(void)............. Q14. write problem in given code. dont kno exact but was about... mutex and wait of 2 processes.

today my cs712 DDBM mid paper 01/06/2016
1. 10 mcqs
2. structural components of relational data model 5marks
3. differentiate between LAN and WAN 5marks
4. attribute usage matrix for the queries 5marks
5. horizontal fregmentation with given table 10 marks

My Today paper Cs701
1. Consider following instance of PCP. Is it possible to find a match? If yes then give the dominos arrangements. If NO then prove. (5)
2. Show that all positive numbers has one-to-one correspondance to real numbers. (5)
3. Show that ATM is not mapping reducible to ETM . In other words show that no computable function reduces ATM to ETM. (10)
(Hint: Use a proof by contradiction and facts you already know about ATM and ETM)
4. In silly post corresponding problem (SPCP), In each pair the top string has the same length as the bottom string. Show that SPCPVis decidable. (10)

Q1. Explain the common coupling with example.
Q2. Explain polymorphism with example.
Q3. What is the out put of the code.
note: val.charAt(i) prints a character at i th place
string val;
int i;
boolean beginWord;
name= "This Is An Example of Palendrome";
beginWord = true;
for(i=0; i<val.length(i); i++)
if(val.charAt(i)==" ";
Q4. A code was give 
there wase three classes
it was to tell that this code follows the open close principle or not

Today Cs711 paper
1.how extensibility is used? explain in detail
2.What is polymorphism explain with example
3. Code was given and we have to identify cohesion and coupling in it
4. We have to design a banking system in which there are several clients who are availing the facility of maintaining the account in the bank. As an international norm bank is offering multiple type of accounts to it’s customers like savings, current etc. Each account is having a facility of deposit and withdrawal attached with it for it’s client We have to design the system in such a way that should accommodate the addition of new account types i-e profit and loss account etc without change in the design of the system
solution in lecture 11 slide 41.

My paper of cs702 1/6/16 at 7:30
Total 4 questions
1.pseudo code for n line assembly
2.devide and conquer 
3.n(sqr)+n=O(n power 3)

Today Paper 704 dated: 01-06-2016
Time: 7:30am

Q. 1                        (5)
We wish to comparethe performance of two programs
Time on A
Time on B
2 sec
1.5 sec
5 sec
10 sec

Which computer is faster for each program?
Q. 2                        (5)
What is difference between MoV.S and MOV.D
Q. 3                        (5)
If computer A runs a programs in 10 seconds and computer B runs the same program in 15 seconds, how much slower is B than A?
Q. 4                        (15)
a)      What is static branch prediction and what is the downside to it?
b)      Why it is important for Tomasulo’s to issue instruction in-order?
c)       What is the limiting factor of Tomasulo’s performance?

Today cs708 paper
10 MCQs (All from handouts)
Validation process input and outpput 10 marks
inspection process steps and importance 5 marks
Analysis importance and steps 5 marks
Process model usage in suitation wise 5 marks

CS 701 MidTerm today questions
Q No 1. PCP Dominos Arrangment
Q No2. set of ODD integer has one to one corespondance with even integer
Q No 3. SPCP (Top string in pair has same length at bottom)
Q No 4. true statement TH(N,+,x) are not provable

My paper of CS704 at 10:30AM on 30th May 2016.
Q # 1: Die yield of a processor..................
Q # 2: two advantages and disadvantages of reg-reg architectur
Q # 3: compare computer A and B..............
Q:4 /15
We have a program core consisting of five conditional branches. The program core will be executed thousands of times. Below are the outcomes of each branch for one execution of the program core (T for taken, N for not taken).
Branch 1: T-T-T
Branch 2: N-N-N-N
Branch 3: T-N-T-N-T-N
Branch 4: T-T-T-N-T
Branch 5: T-T-N-T-T-N-T
Assume the behavior of each branch remains the same for each program core execution. For dynamic schemes, assume each branch has its own prediction buffer and each buffer initialized to the same state before each execution. List the predictions for the following branch prediction schemes:
a. Always not taken
b. 2-bit predictor, initialized to weakly predict taken
And also write down the prediction accuracies for each branch prediction scheme.

CS 703 31-05-2016 TIME : 9:00 am
Q#1. Suppose that a system is in an unsafe state. Show that that is possible for the process to completed their execution without entering a deadlock state.
Q#2.Major uses of threads.
Q#3.Possibility thread created or not.Write the possibility of failure thread creation.
Q#4.diagram ti us mai Quantum 8 or aik quantum 16 diya huwa ta next FCFS likha ta
a.which process will complete execution 2nd queue.
b.How move different queue how enter into different queues...

My paper of CS704 at 10:30AM on 30th May 2016.
Q # 1: Die yield of a processor..................
Q # 2: two advantages and disadvantages of reg-reg architectur
Q # 3: compare computer A and B..............
Q:4 /15 
a) What is static branch prediction ? and also givw its downside?
b) Why it is important for Yumasulos' algorithm to issue instructions in-order?
c) What is Tumasulo's performance limiting factor?


QUESTION NO.1(5 Marks)

Let X be the set {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} and Y be the set {6, 7, 8, 9, 10}. We describe the functions f: X→Y and g: X→ Y in the following tables.

n f(n) n g(n)

1 6 1 10
2 7 2 9
3 6 3 8
4 7 4 7
5 6 5 6

Is f one-to-one? Justify your answer.

QUESTION NO.2(5 Marks)
Show that if A is Turing-recognizable and A ≤m , then A is decidable.

QUESTION NO.3(10 Marks)
Let B be the set of all infinite sequences over {0,1}. Show that B is uncountable, using a proof by diagonalization.

QUESTION NO.4(10 Marks)
Let LALL = {<M> | M is a TM with input alphabet ∑ and L(M) = ∑* }. Prove that LALL is not co-Turing-recognizable

cs707 midterm paper
10 mcqs
Q1. describe chain certificates.
Q2.what are the characteristics of strong stream cipher
Q3.Consider A 32-bit has function implented as two 16-bit functions using XOR and RXOR. Is created checksum by concatination the both detects all the oddparity errors? Explain. If these functions are used for authentication what will be the effectiveness of the authentication.
Q4. Q3 comes twice.

My today 703 Paper
10 mcqs.
1.Benefits of different time quatum.
2.advantage of high synchronization construct over semaphore.
3.client server architecture working.
4.working of long term scheduler.

My Today Paper CS713

10 MCQs
1. Describe general OODBMS structure (5 Marks)
2. Object Accessing using OODBMS and RDBMS with diagram(10)
3. Swizzling pointers in OODBMS. (5)
4. Active DB features in STARTBURST (5)

Total 4 questions 30 marks
3 quetions write pre condtion post condtions. Scenarios were given one was for stack class, 2nd a loop structur n 3 rd one i forgot.

4 th questn was a expression was given to simplyfy. Do prepare pre n post conditions lectrs n how to write then your exam will be excellent.

Today Paper CS703
Dated: 29-05-2016 Time: 7:30am
Q. 1                (10)
10 MCQs related Subject
Q.2                             (5)
What is the main difference between preemptive and non-preemptive scheduling? Write the name of one Preemptive and one Non-preemptive algorithm? 
Q.3                             (5)
Describe a mechanism by which one segment could belong to the address space of two different processes? 
Q. 4                            (5)
The ctime_ts for is thread-safe but not reentrant. Explain your answer with valid reason?   

Char * ctime_ts (consttime_ts *timep, char * private)
Char *sharedp;
P (&mutex);
Sharedp = ctim(timep);
Strcpy(private, sharedp);     /*copy string from shared to private */
V (&mutex);
Return private;

Q. 5                            (10)
The mention example diagram for multilevel feedback queue scheduling is given below:

Quantum = 8

Quantum = 16


Let us consider:   Process P1 time period is 18 and Process P2 time period is 27. Answer the following questions:
1.     Which process will complete its execution in 2nd queues?

2.     How each process will move across different queues i.e. how each process will enter into the system and how each process will move up and down between different queues?

Today 702 paper
Merge sort algo
Knapsack algo
Line sublimation printing algo

Today My Mid paper of cs724 - software process improvements 29/05/2016
10 mcsqs
q1. Steps of Project Planning. explain software scope 5marks
q2. KPA of "Software Quality Management" of CMM level 4 5marks
q3. explain process area " supplier agreement management" of CMM level 2 10marks
q4. Explain process area " Technical Solution " of CMM level 3 5marks

m Cs 716 tody's paper
question1.how bits are transmitted over a link difference between half duplex and full duplex.
2. token ring maintance
Question 3 n how can tradtional LAN can b extended
question non 4 .diff b/w contention and congestion wid diagram
question 5 sahi yad nh hy
kuch es trah tha k a 3000 bytes underlying technology,,, but do fragmentation and will allows 1500 bytes and 8 bit header how ?

Today is my paper.
total 4 questions
1. prove n2 not belongs to small o n square. 5 marks
2. chain multiplicaiton algorithm 10 marks
3. 5n2 + ...... = theta(n2) 10 marks
4. bhol gaya please aplogize me. 

My Today paper Cs701
1. Consider following instance of PCP. Is it possible to find a match? If yes then give the dominos arrangements. If NO then prove. (5)
2. Show that all positive numbers has one-to-one correspondance to real numbers. (5)
3. Show that ATM is not mapping reducible to ETM . In other words show that no computable function reduces ATM to ETM. (10)
(Hint: Use a proof by contradiction and facts you already know about ATM and ETM)
4. In silly post corresponding problem (SPCP), In each pair the top string has the same length as the bottom string. Show that SPCPVis decidable. (10)

in cs707 there was announcement that in mid term 18 lectures are included. But today in my mid one question (10 marks) was from lecture No. 22 ("About Kerberose")
So , , , What was that???

components of requirements elicitation?
changes to requirements are common and are mostly justified. you are required to identify the key factors of the changes in the requirements?
what are the types of volatile requirements?
user manual development and model verification?

.Enlist 3 process model
Why error find in the requirement stage is beneficial? and also types of requirement error?
Which one is efficient error prevention or error removal.Why??and also describe how Joint application development (JAD) and quality finction deploy(QFD) is more efficient ?
define 2 activities of prepare, conduct , follow interview

Todays 716 paper..bad luck
1.Design a Diagram of Shared Ethernet Emulation with LANE.
2.why fixed frame used in ATM .and write fixed frame draw backs.
3.how preemption draw back reduce in fixed frame?
4.differnece b/w big endian and little endian.
5.what is ment by Carrier sense multiple access with collision detection?
focus on frame questions...

cs707 midterm paper
10 mcqs
Q1. describe chain certificates.
Q2.what are the characteristics of strong stream cipher
Q3.Consider A 32-bit has function implented as two 16-bit functions using XOR and RXOR. Is created checksum by concatination the both detects all the oddparity errors? Explain. If these functions are used for authentication what will be the effectiveness of the authentication.
Q4. Q3 comes twice.

CS 701 MidTerm today questions
Q No 1. PCP Dominos Arrangment
Q No2. set of ODD integer has one to one corespondance with even integer
Q No 3. SPCP (Top string in pair has same length at bottom)
Q No 4. true statement TH(N,+,x) are not provable

Q1. Explain the common coupling with example.
Q2. Explain polymorphism with example.
Q3. What is the out put of the code.
note: val.charAt(i) prints a character at i th place
string val;
int i;
boolean beginWord;
name= "This Is An Example of Palendrome";
beginWord = true;
for(i=0; i<val.length(i); i++)
if(val.charAt(i)==" ";

Q4. A code was give
there wase three classes
it was to tell that this code follows the open close principle or not

Todays CS704 paper:
Q:1 /5
We have a single stage, non-pipelined machine and a pipelined machine with 5 pipeline stages. The cycle time of the former is 5 ns and the latter is 1ns.
a. Assuming no stalls, what is the speedup of the pipelined machine over the single stage machine?
Q:2 /5
what is the main advantage os using commit unit and re-order buffer in speculative execution?
Q:3 /5
list down any two advantages and two disadvantages of variable sized instructions.
Q:4 /15
We have a program core consisting of five conditional branches. The program core will be executed thousands of times. Below are the outcomes of each branch for one execution of the program core (T for taken, N for not taken).
Branch 1: T-T-T
Branch 2: N-N-N-N
Branch 3: T-N-T-N-T-N
Branch 4: T-T-T-N-T
Branch 5: T-T-N-T-T-N-T
Assume the behavior of each branch remains the same for each program core execution. For dynamic schemes, assume each branch has its own prediction buffer and each buffer initialized to the same state before each execution. List the predictions for the following branch prediction schemes:
a. Always not taken
b. 2-bit predictor, initialized to weakly predict taken
And also write down the prediction accuracies for each branch prediction scheme.

Q1. changes to requirements are common and are mostly justified. you are required to identify the key factors of the changes in the requirements and what are the types of volatile requirements?
Q2. Process improvements mean making things better. do you know how process improvements benefits our organization.
Q3. why it is necessary to remove errors at requirements stage. also analist different types of requirement errors.
Q4. Interaction matrix wala question tha. aur sath main 10 MCQS thy....

Today 702 paper
N assembly line algo
Chain matrix multiplication algo
Closest pair improved version for 2-d
Prove by mathematical induction To(N)=nlgn

CS-701 TODAY 29-05-2016
MARKS 5,5,10,10

m Cs 716 tody's paper
question1.how bits are transmitted over a link difference between half duplex and full duplex.
2. token ring maintance
Question 3 n how can tradtional LAN can b extended
question non 4 .diff b/w contention and congestion wid diagram
question 5 sahi yad nh hy
kuch es trah tha k a 3000 bytes underlying technology,,, but do fragmentation and will allows 1500 bytes and 8 bit header how ?

712 DDBS my today paper is
Q1. The language/compiler perform the transparency role in DDMS
Q2. what is the purpose of entity and referential integrity.
How can we verify the properties of completeness and reconstruction of a vertical fragmentation?(5
Consider the relation Faculty (facId, facName, dept, salary, rank)
Three applications access the relation through following three queries respectively:
q1: SELECT facId, facName, rank FROM Faculty WHERE facId = VALUE
q2: SELECT rank, salary FROM Faculty WHERE rank = VALUE
q3: SELECT facId, facName FROM Faculty WHERE dept = VALUE
Application access frequency matrix for the three sites =
Assume ref l (qk) = 1 for all qk and Sl. Determine attribute affinity matrix for the above relation.(10 marks)

my cs703 ppr
02:00 PM today
10 msq's all were related to kernal
4, 5 number q's
1) The maximum no. of pages in process address space is one million & total size (p+ d) of process address space is 32 bits with page size of 4096bytes. 
2) An operating system is running three concurrent processes, P1, P2, and P3 for three different users. Each process requires six units of computing time. Process P1 consists of a single thread. Process P2 consists of two threads, each requiring three of P2’s six total units of computing time. Process P3 consists of three threads, each requiring two of P3’s six total units of time. Assume that the threads never block and that the processes are entirely resident in primary memory.
a. Suppose that the threads are kernel-supported, and that the kernel implements preemptive, round-robin scheduling of threads, with a quantum on one time unit. Of the first six units of time, how many will be devoted to each of the three processes?
3) What is the way that two processes cannot enter in critical section simultaneously?
4) Choose the best algorithm for the scenario, and scenario was given. and this q is related to FIFO, SJF, and RR.

CS 724 On 29 May
10 MCQs from EVTX and CMM,CMMI
1. Expain "Verification" process area in CMMI 3. (10)
2. Give EVTX model of Rework Activity in Inspection. (5)
3. Explain Software Quality Management CMMI 4. (5)
4. What are the attributes of processes according to CMMI? (5)

Today's paper:
1. Define biotechnology? What are its types. ------------5
2. What are download server, data server and processing server---------------------------------------------------------- 5
3. Three uses of genetic engineering. ------------------3
4. What is meant by "Hunger map"? What are genetically modified crops? Can they solve hunger threat? --------------------3
5. What does processing server do? -------------------3
20 MCQs mostly online biological data resources and data processing

today's 708 paper
Analysis checklist items
three process models
review cost reduction
defect prevention or defect removal

Today CS706 Paper 29-05-2016
Q1.What are quality attributes?Explain various categories of quality attributes(10)
Q2.What are the coding defects.Explain the types of coding defect(10)
Q3.How defect removal is cheaper for inspection as comapred to software testing(10)

Today My Mid paper of cs724 - software process improvements 29/05/2016
10 mcsqs
q1. Steps of Project Planning. explain software scope 5marks
q2. KPA of "Software Quality Management" of CMM level 4 5marks
q3. explain process area " supplier agreement management" of CMM level 2 10marks
q4. Explain process area " Technical Solution " of CMM level 3 5marks

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