Essays//Paragraphs: 10th Class English

My School
I study in Government High School. It is near to my house. It was built in 1960. It is situated outside the city. It is ‘U’ shape. It has three storeys. It has thirty rooms, a big staff room, a computer lab, a science laboratory, a library and a big hall. All the rooms are clean and airy. The rooms are white washed. Each classroom has two fans. Fifty teachers work in my school. They are well qualified, trained and experienced. They are very hard working. They are kind to us. They teach us with great care and devotion. Our principal is noble man. All obey and honourhim. My school shows 100% results. I am proud of my school. May it flourish day by day!

A Road Accident 
Last year, I happened to travel from Sialkot to Lahore with my father on coach. We had hardly covered a distance of 5 km when we saw a mini-bus coming from the opposite direction. Its driver could not control it on dangerous turn because of over speed. As a result the bus hit the right side of our coach and turned turtle. Its driver and three passengers died on spot. On the other hand, the driver of our coach did not lose his senses and kept the coach under control. The traffic on the road stopped. The passengers were screaming. Luckily, I was not injured. There was great weeping and crying. The dead bodies and injured persons were brought to the hospital. The dead bodies were handed over to their heirs. Whenever I remember the accident, I get frightened.

A House on Fire  
Last month, I was sleeping at night when I heard some persons crying “fire! Fire!” I got up and saw that a house in the street was on fire. The people were crying. It was a big house with a lot of wood used in it. Many people had gathered there and were throwing water to put out the fire. The inmates were saved but they were crying for help to save their property. I began to throw sand on the fire but it was in vain. After some time the fire brigade reached there. The fire was extinguished after one hour. Though, there was no loss of life but loss of property was very big. The inmates were weeping for that loss. Whenever I remember the incident, I get worried.

Sports and Games
Sports and games improve our health. They build our body and refresh our mind. They remove our boredom. They make us active and smart. They build our character. A good player plays the games with a sporting spirit. He is always fair and just in his dealings. He always followsthe rules of game. There are two types of games, the outdoor games and indoor games. The outdoor games are cricket, hockey and football. The indoor games are table tennis, carom board and play cards. They give exercise to our mind and memory. Cricket is very popular in our country. The cricket matches are watched by everybody on T.V. The hockey matches arealso watched with great interest. The purpose of games is to build the character of the players. A good player is lover of mankind. He is a true ambassador of his country. He is free from ill will. He is broad–minded. He is faithful to his captain. He does not come proud if he wins. He does not lose heart if he is defeated.In short we can say that sports and games play a vital role in the development of human personality.

My Hobby
The works which we do in our spare time for joy is called a hobby.There are many hobbies in this world. Everybody has his own hobby. Some are fond of reading books, stamps collecting, coins collecting, painting and traveling. Gardening is my favorite hobby. It is a very cheap and useful hobby. There is a small plot in front of my house. I sow seeds of different flowers in it. I water the plot daily. After some days tiny plants begin to peep outside. I remove all the weeds and grass. I look after the plants very carefully. I enjoy the sweet fragrance of these beautiful flowers. Whenever I get tired, I go and sit in the company of these beautiful flowers. I make garlands from these flowers. I sit in my small garden and study. This hobby is a source of joy for me. I refresh my mind and remove my sorrows. I love my gardenvery much. I am proud of my hobby.

My Neighbour
A good neighbour is a blessing of Allah. Mr. Ajmal is my next door neighbour. He is a teacher by profession. He is an English teacher. He is a rich man. He is an aged man. He is healthy and strong. He is tall and handsome. He is very active and smart. He has a smiling face. He is very sociable and friendly. He gets up early in the morning. He takes exercise daily. He is a religious minded person. He offers his prayers regularly. He recites the Holy Quran daily. He always speaks truth.He is an honest person. He has a good sense of humour. He plays with words and makes us laugh. He helps the poor and needy people. Due to these qualities, he is respected by the people. I thank God that my neighbour is very good and nice. I am proud of him. May he live long!

Pakistani women
Women are more in number then men in Pakistan. Therefore, they are as important as men in the progress of our country. The women of Pakistan are working in almost all fields of life in our country. In the past women were usually confined to homes. But now they have started taking an active part in different walks of life. They are working in banks, offices, private firms, hotels, departmental stores, hospitals, schools, colleges, universities, government offices, etc. They are also taking part in politics. They have joined the Armed Forces and Pakistan Air Force. A rural woman shares the work of man on equal level. They want to contribute towards the development of their country. They want to ensure better future for their children.

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