Daily 10 question HeadMaster/ HeadMistress Test Preparation - 15/06/2018

First Solve yourself and then find solved below:-


1.   The classification of cognitive domain was presented by
a.   Benjamin S. Bloom
b.   Skinner
c.    Krathwhol
d.   Simpson
2.   Cognitive domain have
a.   3 subgroups
b.   4 subgroups
c.    5 subgroups
d.   6 subgroups
3.   The lowest level of learning in cognitive domain is:
a.   Comprehension
b.   Synthesis
c.    Knowledge
d.   Application
4.   The right sequence of subgroups cognitive domain is:
a.   Knowledge, comprehension, application, synthesis, analysis, evaluation
b.   Knowledge, comprehension, application, evaluation, analysis, synthesis
c.    Knowledge, comprehension, evaluation, application, a nalysis, synthesis
d.   Knowledge, compreshension, application, analysis, synthesis, evaluation
5.   The highest level of learning in cognitive domain is:
a.   Evaluation
b.   Synthesis
c.    Analysis
d.   Application
6.   Knowing/ memorizing and recalling is concerned with:
a.   Comprehension
b.   Application
c.    Knowledge
d.   Evaluation
7.   To grasp the meaning of the material is:
a.   Comprehension
b.   Application
c.    Knowledge
d.   Synthesis
8.   To use previous learned material in new situation is:
a.   Comprehension
b.   Application
c.    Knowledge
d.   Analysis
9.   To break down material into component parts to know its organizational structure is
a.   Comprehension
b.   Application
c.    Analysis
d.   Synthesis
10.                     Objective related to affective domain is:
a.   Student can paint a picture
b.   Student can draw a graph
c.    Student values honesty

d.   Student can write a letter

1.   The classification of cognitive domain was presented by
a.   Benjamin S. Bloom
b.   Skinner
c.    Krathwhol
d.   Simpson
2.   Cognitive domain have
a.   3 subgroups
b.   4 subgroups
c.    5 subgroups
d.   6 subgroups
3.   The lowest level of learning in cognitive domain is:
a.   Comprehension
b.   Synthesis
c.    Knowledge
d.   Application
4.   The right sequence of subgroups cognitive domain is:
a.   Knowledge, comprehension, application, synthesis, analysis, evaluation
b.   Knowledge, comprehension, application, evaluation, analysis, synthesis
c.    Knowledge, comprehension, evaluation, application, analysis, synthesis
d.   Knowledge, compreshension, application, analysis, synthesis, evaluation
5.   The highest level of learning in cognitive domain is:
a.   Evaluation
b.   Synthesis
c.    Analysis
d.   Application
6.   Knowing/ memorizing and recalling is concerned with:
a.   Comprehension
b.   Application
c.    Knowledge
d.   Evaluation
7.   To grasp the meaning of the material is:
a.   Comprehension
b.   Application
c.    Knowledge
d.   Synthesis
8.   To use previous learned material in new situation is:
a.   Comprehension
b.   Application
c.    Knowledge
d.   Analysis
9.   To break down material into component parts to know its organizational structure is
a.   Comprehension
b.   Application
c.    Analysis
d.   Synthesis
10.                     Objective related to affective domain is:
a.   Student can paint a picture
b.   Student can draw a graph
c.    Student values honesty
d.   Student can write a letter