Daily 10 question HeadMaster/ HeadMistress Test Preparation - 07/06/2018

First Solve yourself and then find solved below:-


1.      According to education code, school head shall take at least:
a.       Six periods a week
b.      Eight periods a week
c.       Ten periods a week
d.      Twelve periods a week
2.      Sampling is most important in:
a.       Experimental research
b.      Case study research
c.       Historical research
d.      Ethnographic
3.      The type of loader who does not attempt any type of activity himself and his subordinate mainly performs the work is known as:
a.       Autocratic
b.      Democratic
c.       Laisse/ faire
d.      Independent
4.      Gereneral wants or desires are said to be the base of our behavior are called:
a.       Motives
b.      Drives
c.       Innate
d.      Needs
5.      Assessing students performance in quantitative terms is called as:
a.       Evaluation
b.      Examination
c.       Testing
d.      Measurement
6.      Educational psychology is the branch of psychology which deals with teaching and learning is defined by
a.       Peel
b.      Freud
c.       Skinner
d.      William james
7.      A plan that can be used to shape the curriculum in teaching is usually termed as:
a.       Project
b.      Pattern
c.       Model
d.      Design
8.      Curriculum means all those activities which are provided inside or outside the school in order to achieve predetermined goals, was defined by:
a.       Albert
b.      Taylor
c.       Staneley
d.      Kerr
9.      Curriculum means:
a.       Child planned experiences
b.      Teaching readings
c.       Text book readings
d.      Knowledge explosion
10.  Teacher’s role as self-efficacy means:
a.       Knowledge of instructional matter
b.      Beliefs to teach effectively and enhance learning
c.       Ability to communicate
d.      Respect for persons and principles


1.      According to education code, school head shall take at least:

a.       Six periods a week
b.      Eight periods a week
c.       Ten periods a week
d.      Twelve periods a week
2.      Sampling is most important in:
a.       Experimental research
b.      Case study research
c.       Historical research
d.      Ethnographic
3.      The type of loader who does not attempt any type of activity himself and his subordinate mainly performs the work is known as:
a.      Autocratic
b.      Democratic
c.       Laisse/ faire
d.      Independent
4.      Gereneral wants or desires are said to be the base of our behavior are called:
a.       Motives
b.      Drives
c.       Innate
d.      Needs
5.      Assessing students performance in quantitative terms is called as:
a.       Evaluation
b.      Examination
c.       Testing
d.      Measurement
6.      Educational psychology is the branch of psychology which deals with teaching and learning is defined by
a.       Peel
b.      Freud
c.       Skinner
d.      William james
7.      A plan that can be used to shape the curriculum in teaching is usually termed as:
a.       Project
b.      Pattern
c.       Model
d.      Design
8.      Curriculum means all those activities which are provided inside or outside the school in order to achieve predetermined goals, was defined by:
a.       Albert
b.      Taylor
c.       Staneley
d.      Kerr
9.      Curriculum means:
a.      Child planned experiences
b.      Teaching readings
c.       Text book readings
d.      Knowledge explosion
10.  Teacher’s role as self-efficacy means:
a.       Knowledge of instructional matter
b.      Beliefs to teach effectively and enhance learning
c.       Ability to communicate
d.      Respect for persons and principles