Daily 10 question HeadMaster/ HeadMistress Test Preparation - 03/06/2018

First Solve yourself and then find solved below:-


1.       A person which enables the true and false, the good and the bad, the right conduct and the evil dong is educational definition of:

a.       Imam Ghazali
b.      Ibn e Khaldoom
c.       Shah Waliullah
d.      Allama Iqbal
2.       It means to assign duties and authorities to the staff for working in an organization:
a.       Directing
b.      Staffing
c.       Organizing
d.      Planning
3.       Leaders are born not made was theory of:
a.       Social system theory
b.      Great man theory
c.       Theory X
d.      Charismatic theory
4.       Employees are lazy by nature is approach of leaders to:
a.       Theory X
b.      Theory Y
c.       Theory Z
d.      Theory XY
5.       This is when the students actively pay attention:
a.       Receiving
b.      Responding
c.       Valuing
d.      Organizing
6.       A relatively brief statement summarizing the purpose of the school is known as:
a.       Student outcomes statement
b.      Mission statement
c.       Objective statement
d.      School design statement
7.       Study of behavior is related to:
a.       Philosophy
b.      Psychology
c.       Educational psychology
d.      Guidance
8.       A school teacher in Pakistan is not responsible for:
a.       Teaching
b.      Examining
c.       Preparing teacher guide
d.      Professional development
9.       The general statements that describe national aspirations about life outcomes as a result of education are called:
a.       Aims
b.      Goals
c.       Objectives
d.      Instructional objectives
10.   Literacy rate of Pakistan at present is:
a.       40%
b.      57%
c.       50%
d.      None of these


1.       A person which enables the true and false, the good and the bad, the right conduct and the evil dong is educational definition of:

a.       Imam Ghazali
b.      Ibn e Khaldoom
c.       Shah Waliullah
d.      Allama Iqbal
2.       It means to assign duties and authorities to the staff for working in an organization:
a.       Directing
b.      Staffing
c.       Organizing
d.      Planning
3.       Leaders are born not made was theory of:
a.       Social system theory
b.      Great man theory
c.       Theory X
d.      Charismatic theory
4.       Employees are lazy by nature is approach of leaders to:
a.       Theory X
b.      Theory Y
c.       Theory Z
d.      Theory XY
5.       This is when the students actively pay attention:
a.       Receiving
b.      Responding
c.       Valuing
d.      Organizing
6.       A relatively brief statement summarizing the purpose of the school is known as:
a.       Student outcomes statement
b.      Mission statement
c.       Objective statement
d.      School design statement
7.       Study of behavior is related to:
a.       Philosophy
b.      Psychology
c.       Educational psychology
d.      Guidance
8.       A school teacher in Pakistan is not responsible for:
a.       Teaching
b.      Examining
c.       Preparing teacher guide
d.      Professional development
9.       The general statements that describe national aspirations about life outcomes as a result of education are called:
a.       Aims
b.      Goals
c.       Objectives
d.      Instructional objectives
10.   Literacy rate of Pakistan at present is:
a.       40%
b.      58%
c.       50%
d.      None of these