Daily 10 question HeadMaster/ HeadMistress Test Preparation - 02/06/2018

First Solve yourself and then find solved below:-


1.       Question answer method was developed by:

a.       Coldweli
b.      Glaser
c.       Socrates
d.      John Dewey
2.       Quality of education mostly depends on the quality of:
a.       Physical facilities
b.      Teacher education
c.       Text books
d.      Libraries and laboratries
3.       What ought to be in the curriculum development refer to:
a.       Philosophical foundation
b.      Psychological foundation
c.       Sociological foundation
d.      Economic foundation
4.       Miroteaching is a teachnique which is:
a.       Content oriented
b.      Skill oriented
c.       Assessment oriented
d.      Discipline oriented
5.       Personal achievement motivation is teacher motivation
a.       Extinsic motivation
b.      Intrinsic motivation
c.       Competency motivation
d.      Teacher motivation
6.       An element of fear and anxiety is found in:
a.       Management
b.      Supervision
c.       Guidance
d.      Inspection
7.       Educational system is developed for:
a.       Social needs
b.      Political needs
c.       Social and political needs
d.      Legal needs
8.       A change agent with leadership qualities is:
a.       Education officer
b.      Students
c.       Teacher
d.      Headmaster
9.       In teaching learning process supervision is usually carried out by:
a.       Society
b.      Parents
c.       Teacher
d.      Principle
10.   Recruiting souce which is not expensive in organization:
a.       Advertisement
b.      Employment opportunities
c.       Employees referrals
d.      Temporary rental services


1.       Question answer method was developed by:
a.       Coldweli
b.      Glaser
c.       Socrates
d.      John Dewey
2.       Quality of education mostly depends on the quality of:
a.       Physical facilities
b.      Teacher education
c.       Text books
d.      Libraries and laboratries
3.       What ought to be in the curriculum development refer to:
a.       Philosophical foundation
b.      Psychological foundation
c.       Sociological foundation
d.      Economic foundation
4.       Miroteaching is a teachnique which is:
a.       Content oriented
b.      Skill oriented
c.       Assessment oriented
d.      Discipline oriented
5.       Personal achievement motivation is teacher motivation
a.       Extinsic motivation
b.      Intrinsic motivation
c.       Competency motivation
d.      Teacher motivation
6.       An element of fear and anxiety is found in:
a.       Management
b.      Supervision
c.       Guidance
d.      Inspection
7.       Educational system is developed for:
a.       Social needs
b.      Political needs
c.       Social and political needs
d.      Legal needs
8.       A change agent with leadership qualities is:
a.       Education officer
b.      Students
c.       Teacher
d.      Headmaster
9.       In teaching learning process supervision is usually carried out by:
a.       Society
b.      Parents
c.       Teacher
d.      Principle
10.   Recruiting souce which is not expensive in organization:
a.       Advertisement
b.      Employment opportunities
c.       Employees referrals
d.      Temporary rental services